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What volunteering program can I do in my town during this recession.

I'm Kinoti, a high school student at Moi high school Kabarak, Kenya. I love working with other people for other people to bring about sustainability through Noble gestures towards our planet. I also have a strong business acumen within me which I use to bring about poverty- alleviation through creating awareness and getting to meet influencial people who have the same thinking as mine. #networking #business #high-school

Thank you comment icon This is an amazing question, Kinoti! Your passion to help others is inspiring. Also, as a CareerVillage staff member, it warms my heart to see that you've taken the time to thank the volunteers who replied to your question. It's a wonderful gesture and I commend you for doing it! yoonji KIM, Admin
Thank you comment icon Thanks, I do love working with diverse people for a common goal which is the greater good in us as human beings, that's what we all have in common. I thrive in multiculturalism and careervillage has really helped me with that. Best, Bornventure
Thank you comment icon Thanks KIM for the wonderful comments, i live in the spirit of UBUNTU where i believe i can't be truly happy and satisfied if my other species isn't happy. We have to live as one and embrace happiness and lending a helping hand to another human being regardless, that's why i've been working on an initiative to impact my fellow students. That's all i can say for now. Bornventure

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12 answers

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Erica’s Answer

Hi Kinoti! I commend you for your way of thinking and caring about others and our communities. I would definitely suggest your local church communities and programs such as Meals on Wheels that deliver food to others in need. Also there are lots of online opportunities if you are unable to get out there such as United Nations Volunteers, Smithsonian Digital volunteers, and

Hope this helps and Happy Volunteering!
Thank you comment icon Thanks Erica for your wisdom. There's something I'm working on for my local community. Best. Bornventure
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Doc’s Answer

Hi Kinoti,

The coronavirus has undoubtedly placed large amount of stress in our local communities and our nation. For all of use who are willing to lend a helping hand, below are some websites were volunteers can go to help.

has several family friendly options to give back to our troops and veterans. Some involve joining a virtual team to write letters, send cards or bake treats to send to soldiers.

The Red Cross needs digital volunteers to monitor online discussions to find people who need help, and to share important updates on social media. If you are active on Facebook and/or Twitter, this could be a great opportunity for you.

If you’re passionate about education and interested in history, the Smithsonian Institute has some great opportunities. Virtual volunteers help with two main projects: transcribing historical documents and updating relevant Wikipedia pages.

Kinoti, once you have a good feel for what you'd like to volunteer for check out this additional websites below.

Doc recommends the following next steps:
Thank you comment icon Hi John, thank you for the insights in the space of volunteering. I may not be able to do it physically and achieve the expected results but I can also do it virtually. Regards. Bornventure
Thank you comment icon "If what you did yesterday seems big Bornventure, then you haven't done anything today." Doc Frick
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Amanda’s Answer

With a lot of places being closed right now it is a little more difficult to get out there and volunteer in person right now, but you can always check with your local area. I asked a local business if I could pick up trash outside of their building the other day and they said it was okay so perhaps that is something that you could look into if that is a type of volunteering you are interested in. There are also online volunteering opportunities you can look into. I know that Librivox is looking for volunteers to read books and record them to audio or listen to the recordings for quality. The smithsonian is also looking for volunteers to transcribe old documents. Just a few things I’ve come across.
Thank you comment icon Hi Amanda, Thanks for your response. I can also do the same for the households. I usually don't like the way trash piles for the county council to pick trash. I can whip up something using cardboard or start a project to place dustbins around my town. You've enlightened me Amanda and your efforts are appreciated. Regards. Bornventure
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Amber’s Answer

Your local food bank is a great place to volunteer, most are overwhelmed currently with the pandemic and servicing significantly more families then what they would normally. If you prefer online options, Volunteer match has virtual volunteer opportunities that can be completed from any remote location with access to a computer, internet, phone, and/or fax machine. Good Luck!
Thank you comment icon Hi Amber, Thanks alot for your reply. I think doing volunteerism virtually is the best thing bearing in mind the Covid 19 pandemic. Regards. Bornventure
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Donna’s Answer

Food pantries, women's shelters, food delivery are all great areas to help during this time and with COVID can be done remotely. Just do a search in your county as there will be several organizations looking. You can also donate blood and Plasma - by appointment. Many are in need of these valuable donations.
Thank you comment icon Thankyou for your wisdom, actually a big coincidence to what you just said, I was to donate blood today and they said I had to be 18 years of age, which was a big letdown. There's always a next time. Best Bornventure
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Carina’s Answer


One thing I've done to help spread awareness and help out people virtually is offering to run local non-profits/start-ups' social media accounts. Many don't have the resources to hire social media mangers. With my background in business, I've been able to increase activity on social media which leads to more supporters and even more customers or donations. I've been able to use my writing and communication skills, as well as improve my graphic design and photography skills. Good luck!

Carina recommends the following next steps:

Find local firms in your area.
See what they have in terms of social media.
Reach out to them and offer your services.
Thank you comment icon Thanks Carina, I am actually working on the same and i have attended a series of webinars geared towards my goals of impacting society and the under privileged and often forgotten or neglected by society. Thank you sincerely for taking your time to answer my question. Best Regards. Bornventure
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Rob’s Answer

Hi Kinoti,

With a lot of places closed currently, it may be tough to get out there and volunteer in person. However, this pandemic is a great opportunity for innovation. In your bio, you state that you have a passion to create awareness on poverty-alleviation through networking. If you do not have one already, I would create a LinkedIn profile and start networking and creating content. Your content can be anything from written words to videos. You can utilize your time to connect with others who share the same interests. It would also be beneficial to google some local volunteer groups and begin to reach out now to build that relationship. If you can't volunteer now, you can still help their causes by sharing their story and ways to help/donate on social media. I think this is a great way for you start getting involved in that community and bringing awareness to it.

Hope this helps!
Thank you comment icon Hi Rob, Thanks for your response. Regarding your suggestion, I already have a LinkedIn profile, I love networking with different people of my areas of interest. On volunteerism, I'm currently following up on the Global Goodwill ambassadors program . Regards. Bornventure
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Amber’s Answer

Your local food bank is a great place to volunteer, most are overwhelmed currently with the pandemic and servicing significantly more families than what they would normally. If you prefer online options, Volunteer match has virtual volunteer opportunities that can be completed from any remote location with access to a computer, internet, phone, and/or fax machine. Good Luck!
Thank you comment icon Thank you for your words of wisdom Best. Bornventure
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Ragon’s Answer

There are lots of on-line volunteer opportunities. I have recently been volunteering for Zooniverse!
Thank you comment icon Hi Ragon, Thanks for your response, I'm also planning to join these online volunteering. Nice work your doing for zooniverse. Regards. Bornventure
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Richard’s Answer

Volunteering at nursing homes to read or provide some type of interaction with patients. Also, volunteer at the library to assist in reading programs for children.
Thank you comment icon Hi Richard, Thanks alot for your suggestions. I'll put them into action. Regards. Bornventure
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Patricia’s Answer

Hi Bornventure!

I applaud you for knowing what you want to do as a high school student! Having a strong business acumen and a love for people is a fantastic combination! You have the tools to make great strides with addressing poverty and creating awareness in your country and abroad!

I would search for volunteer organizations focused on poverty and see what they are doing to address this issue. Continue to search until you find an organization that aligns with your goals and desires.

If you are into social media, look around and see what others are doing to address poverty and try to connect with them. As we continue to deal with COVID-19, this may be a good virtual option.

You can also look for a business person who is focused on helping those in need and reach out to him or her. (Bill Gates and Jose Andres come to mind. I did a quick Google search and came up with dozens of organizations that you can learn more about, such as United Nations Children's Fund and The Borgen Project.

We need young people like you who are passionate about serving those in need. I applaud you!

I wish you well in your schooling!

Take care and stay safe!

Thank you comment icon Greetings Patricia, Sorry for the late response i've been quite bus recently, thanks for your advice, i have actually found a great non profit serving my interest as far as helping my fellow peers during this time is concerned. I will look into more organizations. Your response is highly appreciated thank you so much for taking your time to answer this!! Best regards. Bornventure
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Stacy’s Answer

The coronavirus has definitely created huge amounts of stress in our local communities, nation and worldwide. I work for Fannie Mae and we devote a week, yearly (7 Days to SERVE) to SERVE in addition to the 10yrs a month each employee can volunteer. For the 7 Days to SERVE event, we typically volunteer for events that allow us to physically helping in the community; building, repairing, serving food, packing food, making blankets, making school age snack bags, working at food pantries and food banks, etc. The volunteer c with component within my company is one of the many things I love about Fannie Mae. For the 7 Days of SERVE this year - It is all Virtual! In fact, responding to questions on Career Village is one of our virtual opportunities this year. In addition, Fannie Mae provided a list of additional virtual opportunities and for all of us who are willing to lend a helping hand, below are some websites were volunteers can go to help.

Good Luck and Happy Volunteering!

Stacy recommends the following next steps:

All for Good -
UN Volunteers -
Volunteer Match -
Be My Eyes -
Zooniverse -
Thank you comment icon Hi Stacy, Thanks for the information. I'd like to applaud you for the good work your doing at Fannie Mae. Continue serving humanity. There's a great space in virtual volunteerism. Regards. Bornventure