2 answers
Jared’s Answer
In my OPINION, Nursing would be, by far, the better choice between the two. There are more and more nursing jobs that open every day. It is a field that will continue to grow. It is a stereotype that a ton of collegiate athletes are kinesiology majors. In my OPINION those majors are a dime-a-dozen. There are far too few jobs available relative to the number of majors. If you want a lucrative career (in a traditional sense, I suppose you could become a trainer and open a successful gym or a training website, etc.), then you would then have to go to Physical Therapy School after your 4 year undergraduate work in Kinesiology. I would try to figure out what you like before you fully commit, which I know is difficult. It is a process and those are my opinions. I hope I have helped and I hope you hear from someone who was a kinesiology major and knows more than I do.