What's the average amount of hours Finance Analyst contribute in work on a weekly basis? Do they stay happy?
I heard working as a finance analyst often requires staying in the office for more hours than the average 9-5 worker. Will I have a life if I pursue this career? #business #finance #economics
6 answers
R. Scott’s Answer
Financial Analyst at Dell are extremely happy in my opinion. We have a development program, where they rotate to new positions every 6 months. It also combines on the job learning with classroom. My guess is they work about 50 hours per week, but hours can also be a personal choice, with some working more and some working less.
Michael’s Answer
This is a personal question which relates to the work-life balance that is important to you. Financial analyst roles are competitive and a great way to enter a company, learn about that company, other companies or industries. There will be your day job that keeps the lights on and keeps the ship on it's path and then there will be opportunities to go beyond your day job and to great things or help others do great things. Making an impact is how you differentiate yourself versus others and hence creating more opportunities for yourself. So the short answer is if you want to grow your career, you will need to invest your time, which may go beyond the 9-5 time slot.
Alisha’s Answer
Hi! I'm so glad you asked.
The answer is - it depends.
There are times when you do work longer hours but it's not all the time or every day.
A lot of this depends on the type of finance, e.g. Investment banking vs corporate, and company culture.
I think it's possible to find balance in finance.
I hope this helps!

Martin Hnat
Martin’s Answer
It really depends on the company, the specifics of the role and also on your personal motivation. In finance there are of course certain periods during the year where the volume of work is challenging, but it's definitely not on daily basis and everybody can find the right work-life balance.
Christopher ’s Answer
It depends on the role and the company but as a young employee I would realistically expect to work more than your average 9-5. If you are at an investment bank the hours can be pretty tough, with a bad week upwards of 100 hours. Now that is not the norm for most roles and you would hopefully be compensated accordingly but in short, expect more than 40 hours per week in the beginning. I went to work for an investment bank after college and I averaged probably about 60 hour weeks.
It can be challenging to keep a work/life balance when working long hours but it is possible if you are disciplined and develop a routine that works for you. And take advantage of the weekends!
Sirlei’s Answer
A employee may also put work first and not be satisfied with leaving work until work is "done".
In the corporate world though, is not uncommon for employees to work anywhere from 40-60 hrs per week.
Best of luck!