3 answers
3 answers
Virginia’s Answer
Your hours worked are determined by what area of medicine you are getting into.
Dan’s Answer
Also you can work part time as a physician as well. Most of us work at least 40-50 hours a week. Some of us do 7 days a week on and 7 days off including being on-call. Some of us work 10 hours a day for 4 days. Some do night work only and others do day. It's flexible, pending on what you want to do and what is offered.
Estelle’s Answer
I am a gynecologist that specializes in gynecologic surgery. I work about 8 hours per day Monday-Friday at the office or in surgery. I round on patients before surgery. Many specialties have shifts like in the Emergency Department, in radiology, or as a hospitalist. You will have the opportunity to determine your hours. Good luck