5 answers
Louis’s Answer
Four years of undergrad and two years of graduate school. As more people receive undergrad degrees, a higher degree can help you to stand out in today's job market.
Mark’s Answer
My degree is in computer science and I only needed a 4 year university degree to complete it.
Best Wishes!
vijaykant’s Answer
To just become a technician, one does not need to go to school. You can become an apprentice and learn the job anyways. School will help you to learn technology while you are having fun. The 3 or 4 years you spend will give you enough time to understand the technology, so practice till you perfect it and see if you can innovate. School is important because it will be the foundation that you will build your innovation upon.
Nicole’s Answer
To put my answer into context, I will share that I graduated with a degree in systems engineering many years ago. That degree took me 4.5 years to complete.
But, I also share with you that since my college graduation, I have been to school (both formal and informal), at least 10 times. The idea that a person working in any sort of technical field or working in a field that uses technology...the idea that a person can go to school, do their 4 or 5 years and then "be done with school" is a mis-understanding of how powerful technology is and how often it changes.
The good news..if you are person who is interested in learning new things and keeping up with what is happening in technology, then "going to school" won't seem like such a bother. Maybe another way to think of it, when a new type of device comes out, think about maybe the first time you were introduced to a smartphone or a tablet or a popular app...your interest these tools drove your desire to learn more. I suggest to you that it is the same with continuous education. Another piece of good news...many reputable companies reward their employees who are self-motivated to continue their formal learning...that is "going to school".
Best of luck to you!