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Mark Williams’s Avatar

Mark Williams

Director of Global Information Services, Dell
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Pflugerville, Texas
21 Answers
68682 Reads
201 Karma


Civic Duty

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Amir’s Avatar
Amir May 26, 2016 1120 views

How versitile is a computer science degree?

I am looking into going into either electrical engineering or computer science and I was wonder which degree would help as I would like to be a sound engineer. Entry into the field is possible with both but which is better? #college #engineer #computer #college-minor #sound-mixing

Sama’s Avatar
Sama May 26, 2016 805 views

Is deciding on a major important before starting college, if so what should I take into consideration when deciding on one?

I figured I'd start college undecided and learn about different careers then and once I have gained more knowledge and experience I would choose a major. However, many people have said that it isn't a good idea and I should start with a major in mind. Many people have also said that it isn't...

Cristian’s Avatar
Cristian May 25, 2016 6318 views

In an interview for a profession, will you get asked if you have any tattoos?

I'm a chemical engineering student in my senior year. I don't know many people who work in a profession such as engineering or business, but, is it common for those big corporations to ask you if you any tattoos? #college #engineering #career #engineer #interviews #hire #tattoos

Fenndher’s Avatar
Fenndher May 25, 2016 1675 views

When you start College, Do you Choose ALL of your Classes or are there Required Classes that you have to take?

Is College like High School where you have required Classes and others you choose? Or Do you choose all your Classes? #college #classes

Elizabeth’s Avatar
Elizabeth May 25, 2016 1325 views

Do people in the business field mostly go for a masters degree or a phD

I need some more information to what degree I have to strive for #finance #marketing #masters #phd #buisness

Justin’s Avatar
Justin May 22, 2016 1186 views

Is experience more valuable than a degree when seeking a job?

I have heard people say that their degree does them little good because the employer doesn't want to hire people with no experience. On the other side, some have told me that the "piece of paper" will help you out immensely. I am wanting to know the balance between these. #travel #ceo

David’s Avatar
David May 23, 2016 1107 views

Among the various hard and soft skills, including leadership, what are some other expertise recruiters are looking for, regardless of which industry to work for?

Again, my name is David, a currently rising sophomore in college, who is majoring in Information Technology. Although my primary focus is on web development, I'm also curious to know what it's like to work in an environment other than that of my school, and at home. This is important to me...

Jade’s Avatar
Jade May 24, 2016 821 views

Why is college free in some European countries but not the United States?

A lot of my friends can't afford to go to college and I wasn't able to until a few weeks ago. #tuition

Raeanna’s Avatar
Raeanna May 24, 2016 1046 views

how do you know where to start?

I want to begin on the right path to my career I just don't know where to start. #general #success-driven

Emilie’s Avatar
Emilie May 24, 2016 1850 views

What are the most important traits that employers should have to keep employees?

After I graduate from college I plan to start a business. Having reliable employees is key to having a successful business and I want to know how be a good boss. #entrepreneurship #business-management #startups

Tyler ’s Avatar
Tyler May 24, 2016 6538 views

If I have an undecided major, what classes should I take my freshman year of college?

I am going to be a college freshman but am undecided about what my major is. I would love to play baseball professionally and will be playing baseball in college. #teaching #teacher #majors #students #undecided #baseball #coaches

Javonte’s Avatar
Javonte May 24, 2016 1037 views

Do you have to go to school to code?

My brother told me they taught him how to code in college. Do we have to go to college to learn how to code? #programmer

Angie’s Avatar
Angie May 24, 2016 906 views

Do they have good jobs ?

I don't know anything about the tech field besides electricity #degrees

David’s Avatar
David May 24, 2016 3053 views

What are some major difficulties if one were to work for IT Audit, and Accounting? Also, what are some programming languages that suit IT Audit?

My name is David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology. As of now, my primary focus is web development, but I'm also interested in exploring my other career options that fall under the IT industry, such as IT Audit. #accounting #information-technology...

Julia’s Avatar
Julia May 24, 2016 1594 views

What are the qualities that one needs to change the world?

Is the best strategy to bombard them with kindness? Or is it more of an "ends justify the means" situation? What can I do to encourage people and help them believe that they, too, are capable of change? #psychology #education #management #leadership #social #women #non-profit