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New York, New York
7 Questions
561 Karma

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David Jun 05, 2016 1270 views

From my research, I find that most programmers nowadays use Java, Scala, and the C language. My question is how is Scala used/what is it used for?

I'm an Information Technology major who is working towards becoming a future web/mobile developer, and want to explore lesser known, but still useful programming languages, like Scala and Perl (not stated in my question, but I'm still eager to know). #software #mobile-applications...

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David May 28, 2016 1242 views

When offered your first job, or a full-time position, what are some important questions to contemplate over before making your acceptance?

My name is David, an Information Technology major, who is not only career-focused, but also eager to know how to make careful, personal decisions as I progress in my career. #jobs #career-choice #career-paths #first-job #career-plan

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David May 25, 2016 1067 views

Just curious to know, how could a Mechanical/Industrial Engineering degree, and an IT degree (one of them) lead to a job in the computer software industry?

I'm David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology. Although I'm thinking about becoming a future web developer/employee for either the internet, or online media industry, I am still curious in learning more about how different fields of engineering can benefit...

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David May 24, 2016 3053 views

What are some major difficulties if one were to work for IT Audit, and Accounting? Also, what are some programming languages that suit IT Audit?

My name is David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology. As of now, my primary focus is web development, but I'm also interested in exploring my other career options that fall under the IT industry, such as IT Audit. #accounting #information-technology...

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David May 24, 2016 4491 views

What are the key programming languages that front-end web developers should know? How about for back-end web developers?

Hello, I'm David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology, with a concentration in web and mobile app. development. The reason I'm asking this is that I'm thinking about becoming a future front-end web developer, but at the same time, am deciding whether or not a...

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David May 23, 2016 1107 views

Among the various hard and soft skills, including leadership, what are some other expertise recruiters are looking for, regardless of which industry to work for?

Again, my name is David, a currently rising sophomore in college, who is majoring in Information Technology. Although my primary focus is on web development, I'm also curious to know what it's like to work in an environment other than that of my school, and at home. This is important to me...

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David May 22, 2016 1510 views

For people who plan on becoming future web developers, would having online education be worth more than earning a Computer-Science related degree?

I'm currently a rising sophomore in college, who is majoring in Information Technology, with a concentration on Web and Mobile Development. The reason I'm addressing this question is that I want both other students who are interested in the same/similar field of study, and I, to be able to make...