Career questions tagged software-developer

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Ian519 views

What should I do to kickstart my coding career.?

I am starting college this year and want to be a software developer. Im not sure where to start and what to use for my coding.

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Ryan1345 views

How do i get in to NASA as a software Developer?

I want to be a NASA Software Developer but i dont know exactly what i should do to have a high chance to get in

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Jason541 views

What are the differences between Software Engineers and Software Developers?

#software-engineer #software-developer #technology

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Greg655 views

How would you build a software developer?

I'm a Marine Corps Veteran and was just accepted to a program that will pay for school, any additional training that would make me more hirable, and a monthly housing allowance. I'm starting at a local community college and looking to transfer to Santa Clara University in pursuit of a computer science and engineering degree. The estimated time of completion is around three to four years. I start in Jan 2022. To supplement school, I've looked into coding boot camps, self-paced classes, and youtube videos. The thought here is to try to get internships. If you could go back and redo your path to your current role, what would you have done differently? What would have been dropped and what added? What advice would you give someone in my shoes starting the journey? What should I know? Are coding boot camps worth it? Anything else I should know? #college #technology #computer #computer-science #computer-software #software-developer #coding #phython Thank you!

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Howard568 views

Between computer engineer and computer science major, which major can give me a higher chance in getting a job as a software developer or software engineer?

I am currently a senior in high school, and I am in the middle of my college applications. I am debating whether I want computer engineering or computer science as a major. #computer-engineering #software-developer #software-engineer

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Elaine593 views

What is the difference between software developer and software engineer?

I am really interested in working with technology in my future career(s). #engineer #engineering #technology #tech #computer-software # computer-science #software-engineer #software-developer

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Justin1323 views

As someone who is a software developer, what is the most challenging part of the job?

#software-engineer #software-developer #technology

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Nemath1066 views

What kind of job opportunities are there for ethical hackers does there pay differs from normal programmers and what are best institutes to pursue it?

I am very much interested in Hacking. #engineering #engineer #software #hacking #software-developer #ethical-hacking

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David4435 views

What are the key programming languages that front-end web developers should know? How about for back-end web developers?

Hello, I'm David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology, with a concentration in web and mobile app. development. The reason I'm asking this is that I'm thinking about becoming a future front-end web developer, but at the same time, am deciding whether or not a full-stack developer would be a right fit for me. #information-technology #web-development #software-developer

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Adrian1182 views

Game Programmer Vs App/Software Programmer

I have been in love with computers and technology all of my life and starting next year I am perusing a degree in Computer Science. One of the questions that I still have is how should I go about how to deciding whether if I should be a game programmer or a app/software programmer? The difference in pay is not a factor for me, I want to be happy in my job. I like programming because I get to see the project that I am working on work and be proud of myself or make a mistake and then learn from it. I have a few ideas for games and apps and also want to own my own business, I like to work in teams, I am a natural born leader and can work for hours if I am invested in the project. I don't know if that helps but that gives you a better idea of who I am. Thank for all of your help! #computer-science #programming #game-programming #software-developer

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ADitya1608 views

How to become an ethical hacker?

I love to code and interested in computers. Would like to try in different field? #engineering #software-developer

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