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In an interview for a profession, will you get asked if you have any tattoos?

I'm a chemical engineering student in my senior year. I don't know many people who work in a profession such as engineering or business, but, is it common for those big corporations to ask you if you any tattoos? #college #engineering #career #engineer #interviews #hire #tattoos

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Erica’s Answer

Best of the Village


I don't know of any jobs that ask if you have tattoos, but I have seen job listings that stress to applicants "no visible tattoos". If you have tattoos in visible areas find ways to cover them. I have a small tattoo that I got at age 17. It is on my wrist. I have to cover it with bracelets. If I forget to wear a bracelet, I cover it with a small band- aid.
If you have tattoos that are not visible, you should be fine. If you have neck tattoos or they are in places that are easily seen, look up tattoo make up. If you do not have any tattoos yet, be mindful of where you get them. Unfortunately, we ARE judged on our looks and while you may be a great addition to any team, the employer may have reservations about hiring you. Good luck!

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Fwb’s Answer


This was a concern of mine when I was in college as well, but my worries were squashed the first time I sat in a corporate interview. As long as you don't have any so-called "job stoppers", i.e. neck/face/hand tattoos, you're probably in the clear.

For example, I've got a 4"x7" piece on the back of each arm (tricep area) as well as a large 3"x7" piece on the top of my right forearm, and because I've always worn long sleeves while in the workplace no one has ever been any wiser.

Due to generational differences, it's understandable why those in upper level management positions would look at tattoos in a less than favorable light, and even though times are changing and most people in yours and my generation do indeed have tattoos, that stigma will be there for a bit longer (at least until the boomers have mostly retired, etc.). So, in conclusion, as long as you're not openly exposing the tattoos and/or telling the world about them, I think you'll be fine when it comes to entering the corporate work force.

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Vennie’s Answer

I agree with Mark above. Unless it is visible, nobody will ask about tattoos. Visible ones are distractors. The tattoo might be considered your personality, sometimes they might work against you if they are visible and obvious. Otherwise, you shouldn't worry about those.

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Mark’s Answer

Hi Cristian,

I can't be sure that no one would ever ask this question, but I have never been asked about tattoos or as a hiring manager, ever asked anyone if they have any. It is possible that visible tattoos could be a turn off for some employers if an employee is going to be working with clients (because of the possibility of having a client that might not respect someone with a tattoo). However, times are changing and this is becoming less and less of an issue.

I personally have 2 tattoos that are on my upper arms. I am able to hide them when necessary, but with my employer, it has never been a problem.

Best Wishes!

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Misty’s Answer

Some places may ask you if you have tattoos and ask you to cover them depending on where and what they are. I have had places that asked if I have them and I have also had one job that did ask me to make sure they were covered. It really just depends. All companies are different and there are a lot of companies who are better at being more accepting than others, if you were to be asked about them, I would make sure that you ask what their policy is depending on your part in the company. Some companies frown more on it for higher level than lower level employees.

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Karin’s Answer

Hi, as an HR Professional who conducts interviews, or used to, tattoos were not a big deal to me.   This being said, many companies will want you to be able to "cover up" the tattoos if you are in a very strict business environment, with customers, etc.  This would be outlined in a Work Attire policy.    I also found that in certain parts of the country this is more accepted than others.   In the South for example, a lot of offices I supported were a bit more strict on this than in the North.   

Covering up would include possibly having a sleeve or making sure they are in areas that can be covered.   This is why I never suggest that people get face and neck tattoos if they want to work at large companies.   If they do, they must be prepared to cover those up, which generally involves makeup.  

Generally I've not heard this mentioned in most interviews.   It would generally be provided to you in policies and procedures once hired.   Good luck!

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Misty’s Answer

That is a great question. I have been in the professional field for many years and have found only one job that was very very strong on the no tattoo policy and oddly enough it was in a high end bistro. Even when I was in the medical field, I was never asked about my ink (and I have alot).

My best advice would be to make sure there is nothing on your hands, neck, or face and anything you do get, make sure that it is all in locations that can be easily covered with a button up shirt.