Career questions tagged tattoos

How? do i create a tattoo portfolio?
what should i include? How do i find the right shop and artist? how much experience do i need before my apprenticeship Should i try to practice before hand with a tattoo machine?

Is there anything I should avoid when entering the tattoo industry?
Hi everyone, I will shortly be a tattoo apprentice and I was just wondering if theres anything I should in tattoo shops or in the tattoo industry as a upcoming tattoo artist? #tattoo #tattoos #tattooing #ink #tattoo-apprenticeship #artist #art #apprenticeship

What can I do to improve my drawings?
I want to be a tattoo artist. Plus I think it's a good job to work in and I know a lot of people in my family who have tattoo shops. #tattoo-artist #tattoos #art #drawing

In an interview for a profession, will you get asked if you have any tattoos?
I'm a chemical engineering student in my senior year. I don't know many people who work in a profession such as engineering or business, but, is it common for those big corporations to ask you if you any tattoos? #college #engineering #career #engineer #interviews #hire #tattoos

Do most doctors have to donate blood?
I've heard that getting tattoos prevent you from donating blood, so I was just curious to whether or not doctors are expected to donate blood. Or if doctors are even aloud to get tattoos because of the professional work place? #doctor #health #experience #tattoos