What internship opportunites are there for pre-dental students?
Is there any opportunities for a pre-dental student to participate in an internship in the dental field? I cannot find such positions available. If there are no such opportunities, what would you recommend? #internships #dentistry #internship #dentist #dental
5 answers

Neil Pinney
Neil’s Answer
There aren't really any formal internships available. Your best bet is to ask a wide variety of dental offices if you can shadow the doctor and staff to see how the office operates. Most dental schools want you to do that before applying anyway and it helps give you an idea of what dental practice is like. Your level of participation will vary from office to office, and will be limited by what state law allows. Still it's worth it to get a good look at dentistry in operation.
Madiha’s Answer

Tonya Zalenski
Tonya’s Answer
Dentistry is a Great Choice!!
I would start by asking your dentist if you could intern at his/her office! Or you could check with the Dental Schools you are interested in attending, that are close to you, if they have anything at the school that you could do.
Search your states American Dental Association website for contact information of local dentists and give them a call! Or, go door to door at local dental offices to see if there is anyone needing assistance who would like to help "the next generation" of Dentists!!!
Good luck!
Frank’s Answer
I agree with previous answers, but also look for community clinics, such as Federally Qualified Health Centers. Contact a local center, you can always volunteer and gain experience there. http://www.hrsa.gov/healthit/toolbox/RuralHealthITtoolbox/Introduction/qualified.html
you will learn first hand the needs of the community and how much impact as a dentist you can change people's lives.
Your university may have predental society where everyone share resources. You can even start something yourself! For many years, UC Berkeley students coordinated a program called "Berkeley Free Clinic". It is a student run operation where they got the space and has dentist volunteers to serve the local community.
Good luck
Sanford’s Answer
There are possible internships availible. Check with local dentists or closest dental school.