How do I know what career I will love and excel in?
My name is Meg and I excel more at writing and speech vs math and science. I love giving people advice, being creative/improvisational, helping/uplifting others, and entertaining people. My passion is making people laugh and connecting with others. I have in the past wanted to pursue broadcasting/communications, education, or speech pathology; but am unsure if these are the right fit for me. I really want to figure out what #career is right for me.
11 answers
Maya’s Answer
Deijana’s Answer
Emily’s Answer
When I started my healthcare career I found myself still reading and wanting to know more/learn more. Eventually, this trait got me a promotion. I can't say my life would be the same if I ended up pursuing something I truly didn't love.
madelyn macconnachie
madelyn’s Answer
madelyn recommends the following next steps:
Carrie Kennedy
Carrie’s Answer
Blake’s Answer
Have you tried taking a career interest quiz/test? This will ask you questions based on your interest and let you know what careers most align with you. I would also recommend going and shadowing some of the jobs that you think interest you. There is no better way to determine if you like or don't like something is by trying it! Hope this helps!
Kiirsten’s Answer
From the looks of your question/info about yourself, you are a creative and fun person! With you loving to make people laugh and helping others I definitely think that hospitality would be a potential industry for you to get into-- times right now in the industry are tough to say the least, but we will be bouncing back soon enough! That's wonderful that you already have your interests (which is really half of the battle), my suggestion for a next step is to take some classes at your school or local community college to learn more about your interests. I see that many other professionals suggested that you volunteer which is also awesome, but definitely reading up and learning in a school setting could provide you a different insight into what you're seeking.
Good luck and great job!
Ashley’s Answer
Mona’s Answer
A quick note about Speech Pathology — there are some math/science related requirements and courses for this major so it would be a good idea to identify the coursework needed if you want to pursue.
Melisa’s Answer
Great question. Finding a career you love and will excel in may take some time, research and trying things out, as others have suggested, but once you find it – you’ll know.
I majored in Music my first two years of college, but then completed my BA in Organizational Management. I have a career in Corporate Social Responsibility and helping connect our employees to programs and opportunities that help others and make a difference our world.
And, because I have an interest in making people laugh too – I took a local workshop with the Chicago Improv on “stand-up comedy.” I learned a lot and had fun in the process. That workshop also helped me in delivering more interesting and fun presentations at work, volunteering and more. It also helped me build further confidence in speaking to groups of people. Even if it isn’t your profession, you can still connect with others who have the same interests and Chicago is especially a great place for this!
I like how Maya suggests volunteering and shadowing others in careers that interest you. It might be hard to do in person right now, but you can still set-up video calls with others, or informational interviews.
Your interest in “giving people advice… and being creative/improvisational and connecting with others” also made me think of a corporate training role where people are often teaching something but have a chance to keep it entertaining and educational at the same time.
Best wishes for success in your education and career goals.
career career-choice
Melisa recommends the following next steps:
Vic’s Answer
Victoria recommends the following next steps:
Figure out what your life goals are (ie. work to fund your hobbies, work as your hobby)
Figure out what you want to learn from a job, what you value in a job
Figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are
Figure out what jobs align with your personal abilities and your personal & professional goals
Figure out what opportunities are closely available to you (ie. school network, campus recruiting, personal connections, etc)
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