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If I want to be a manager,what should I learnt to prepare this job?

I want to be ready for the manager. #manager #ceo #manage

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lillie’s Answer

Get a retail job, that will guarantee that you have enough skills and abilities to become a manager regardless of what field.
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Alisa’s Answer

As you are thinking about pursuing a career in management spend time thinking about your "why." Why do you want to become a manager? What do you think you would like about that role? What qualities and experience do you have that you think would make you a good leader? Have you thought about what you might not like about the role?

Management can be rewarding but it is also often very difficult work that does not get much recognition. Often folks think of management as a career that will carry high financial and other rewards. If you're looking for financial gains, you'd probably be better served in individual contributor roles, which in many industries have much higher earning potential than management. Management is much more than teaching the people you manage, there are a lot of aspects to think about when considering a role as a manager. Do you feel that you will be able to coach, work with, and provide a space of vulnerability and honesty with people who may be very different from you or simply difficult to manage? Think about your why and then start to research if management helps you get that why.

You can work your way up to leadership from any starting point. Keep in mind that managing people is a completely different job than the one you may have done before you were promoted to leadership.

This is a really great article if you are thinking about management:

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Nancy’s Answer

Make sure you really want the job of a manager and are not just looking at it as the only way to advance your compensation and / or responsibility. Managing people is a significantly different role than "doing the job" (I have done both). As a manager, your days will be spent primarily worrying about what other people are doing (your team). You'll have to write performance reviews and give them, you'll need to deal with poor performers, you might even have to let somebody go. You'll be the intermediary between your employees and others they might spar with.

I've seen so many people move into management for all the wrong reasons. Primarily that of being really good at their job. The skills required to do most jobs effectively are very different than the skills required to manage.

Managers are responsible for the work products of their team. If one of your team members makes a huge mistake, that's on you.

Communication, negotiation, and organizational skills are paramount. Take courses on how to effectively communicate with different personality types. Learn your own communication style and your hidden prejudices so that you can be fair with each person.

Negotiation - not only do you need to work with your employees on the what and how of their jobs, you'll also need to work with management peers on resource allocation concerns.

Organizational skills - can you stay on top of what people are doing? Know what the key next step is for each person in your group?

Leadership - sometimes (many times) managers "know things" about the organization that they are not allowed to share with their team members. You might have to ask your team members to do things that aren't aligned with your personal philosophy. As a manager, as a leader, you can't let your personal opinions get in the way of doing what's right for the organization.

One thing that you don't hear much about is that you'll have to care about each team member even if you don't like him or her (similarly, you aren't their friend anymore, you're their boss, so no more letting your filters off during informal gatherings).

A good way to test the waters would be to find an opportunity to lead a small project of peers. This will exercise your communication, negotiation, and organizational skills. It will show you if you enjoy that role and it will also show your manager if you are ready.
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N’s Answer

Here are my thoughts about the life of a manager:
- Being a manager is a blessing and a curse. It comes with its advantages and disadvantages.
- Yes, you have more responsibility, but also yes, you have the ability to delegate tasks.
- Being a manager is all about knowing how to manage yourself, your time, your tasks, but also other resources time and tasks. Because at the end of the day, it is your responsibility that the work gets done, whatever way you believe is the most efficient way to get there.
- There is no ONE way to be a manager. Everyone has got their own style, some are more comfortable being micromanagers, and being close to the tasks performed by other resources working with them, others are more comfortable being macro manager, and don't want to be involved in the details of how you get there. I think finding the right balance between the two styles is perfect, but that is up to you.
- Being a manager involves you leading the team, knowing how and when to provide instant feedback, constructive criticism about their strengths as well as development points, but you also have to listen to what they have to say, as every manager needs to know what they need to improve on for the benefit of the team.
- Last, being a manager gives you a certain level of power, the ability to lead and guide the team in a certain direction, the ability to take certain key decisions, but it also puts you in a position, where if something goes wrong, you need to make sure you are ready to take the bullet for the team, and stand up for them rather than throw them under the bus. You fail as a manager, if you don't stand up for your team when something goes wrong.
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Michael’s Answer

Managing is about leading people or projects. While it can be rewarding, think about the skills associated with either. Some that are universal that come to the top of my mind are vision, integrity, organization, and being prepared to do what you ask of others. Here is my thoughts on each that I mentioned. Vision is about understanding where you currently are, your current results or performance towards company goals and where you want to be in 3 months to 3 years. It's about having a plan that executes on the companies strategies while doing what is right for your customers and employees. Organization is about creating a system that keeps your properties front and center to obtaining your vision. Find a method that works best for you, everyone does this a little different. The last one is about leadership and having the ability to do what you ask of others. Your communication skills are vital in this. Know your people personally, find what drives them, and help them become better. I've given kind of a summary of each it should give you a start. Most importantly find what drives you. If you aren't excited and passionate about the work you are doing, you won't be able to be the leader that they will need to be successful.

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Michael’s Answer

I was recently promoted to a director position at the insurance company I work for. I manage a team of about five and oversee the department that has other personnel as well. What I've quickly found is that you need to put your needs in the backseat. The most important thing in my opinion for your teammates to know is that you have their back. Each person on my team is very talented, but all have different personalities and skillsets...some need more hand holding and a lot more time getting patted on the back where others are more independent and need less oversight. It's a fine line to be their friend, but also their manager because unfortunately there are tough decisions that have to be made sometimes and if they are underperforming, tough conversations that make it much tougher if you are on a friend level. You need to be able to sacrifice your time to ensure you are there for your teammates as a coach, boss and wingman when they need it. Push people when they need pushing, but also don't be a micromanager as that's not good for anybody. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuits
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CAROLYN’s Answer

When deciding if you want to be a Manager there are several things to consider. Your words are important but your actions will speak more loudly.
Your punctuality, level of accountability, interpersonal skills and integrity are all vital being good Manager. Additional skills needed include:
Work ethic.
Time management.

Finally always share credit for the success with the team members. Sincere recognition and appreciation of the team will go a long way in creating a positive working environment.
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Jennifer’s Answer

Being a good communicator is key to being a good manager. Be willing to help others and knowing how and when to provide constructive feedback. Find yourself a mentor, someone you admire in a leadership role and ask to shadow them if possible.
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Amy’s Answer

No one can be a manager in the very beginning. You should get ready to learn from others, ask questions, try to take as much responsibility as you can. Try to be humble all the way. This will be the most efficient way for you to build up related skills such like - networking, communication, collaboration which is the basic requirement for a junior manager.
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Hortense’s Answer

Hi Denny. If you are looking to be a manager, the following skills are key to being successful.
- Communication
- Listen
- Make decisions
- Show trust in your employees
- Lead by example
-Time Management

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Joseph’s Answer

Managing a team of people is dependent heavily on your interpersonal communication skills. You need to be comfortable speaking with a wide array of personalities and be able to motivate. It is also essential that you master time management and planning. As a manager, you must wear many hats and need the ability to ensure every task gets completed in order of importance.

In regards to experience and knowledge, you should be able to train a new employee in every aspect of each person you supervise. This means that you must learn all positions that would roll up to you.

Ultimately, the most important thing is that you learn about your team. Your team and their level of engagement will determine their output and success.

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Cristobal’s Answer

Hello Denny,

If you are pursuing a management position the first thing you have to know is that it's all about getting people to want to work for you. In order to do this there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Be a leader

Don't tell people what to do lead by example and show them how to accomplish the goal.

2. Be proactive

Don't wait for someone to tell you how to lead your employees. Think of different ways to accomplish the end goal.

3. Be creative

Don't do what everyone else is doing and think outside the box to solve problems.

4. Have fun!

No one wants to hate going to work for you. Create a fun environment to motivate your team to work for you.

Don't give up!!! Go to school for business management after you graduate high school. Your possibly is endless when you stick to your plan. Now go get it!!!

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Fouzan’s Answer

You should be outspoken. Willing to help others. Be a motivator. You’ll need to be a coach. Find what’s in it for the people your managing. Different people are motivated by different things in life. Be an innovator. Think outside the box. Build strong relationships.

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Remigio’s Answer

You have to be a people person and have a leader personality both will really be beneficial for you to have. I recommend the book "360 leader " good book.

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Prashanth’s Answer

Hi Denny,

Thank you for your questions.. Through my research for your query I found a few points that would be useful for you. Please find them as below:

As many people know, becoming a new manager can be a simultaneously exhilarating and nerve-wracking experience. This is the case for many reasons, including the fact that such positions entail a lot of authority and responsibility. Despite the challenges and frustrations that one might experience upon getting acclimated to a new position as manager, there are several lessons that-when learned-can help a new manager operate with confidence and ease. Here are ten principles new managers should consider carefully:


One of the greatest challenges that a new manager can have is making the transition from managing the self to managing other people. When this shift transpires, the new manager should keep in mind that accomplishing important tasks will no longer be an endeavor that happens through individual effort. Because this is the case, the new manager should cultivate the interpersonal and leadership skills necessary to successfully interact with other people.


While consciously refusing to have conversations about important issues in your personal life can be problematic, opting for this route in your professional life can be disastrous. Although there can be a plethora of problems that warrant discussion, an example of such an issue would be addressing substandard performance on an important assignment. When a new manager refuses to have conversations about potentially embarrassing subjects such as this, employees are likely to fore-go excellence in the name of expediency or simply misunderstand what is required of them. For this reason, continually communicating with one’s team will be integral to a new manager’s success.


Oftentimes, a new manager is hired because of their education and/or experience within a certain field. Despite this abstract and concrete knowledge, however, new managers often find that they don’t understand basic, important dynamics of the new company they will work for. One such basic dynamic is a company’s policies. It is critically important that new managers take the time to familiarize themselves with these policies, because they oftentimes play a very integral role in the daily operations of the company. Moreover, employees who have been with the company for extended periods of time often question the authority and competence of new hires who are not yet familiar with the ins and outs of the organization. Demonstrating knowledge of a company’s policies is a great way for the new managers to show preexisting employees their willingness to learn new things and conform to the company’s culture.


Despite the fact that new managers are often hired because of an excellent skill set or reputation for doing things with excellence and expedience, there will still be many unique aspects of the new company that they will have to learn about in order to have success. Demonstrating a willingness to learn is important given that a teachable attitude shows your team that you are interested in knowledgeable authority rather than being arrogant or presumptuous in the position that you hold. In discussing these very issues in their important article “20 Tips for New Managers,” Ellen M. Hazeur and Cathy Harris point out that employees will often experience less resentment when new managers train. This resentment, as many know, results from the fact that an employee could potentially know more than a person in a position over them.


This is one of the most important principles that a new manager should learn. Clearly, being a manager is a leadership position which will entail providing other team members with guidance and instruction regarding how to properly complete a task or project. Despite the fact that being a manager indicates that the person holding the title possesses authority, however, the emphasis should not be placed on the position itself. Rather, emphasis should be placed on the type of attitude-and resulting actions-that come along with holding the position. Specifically, an individual who occupies a position of leadership should focus on cultivating and using a wide range of leadership skills that will entail both personal success as well as the greater good of the company.


Oftentimes, individuals who occupy positions of authority feel that they do not have to embody and actualize the type of character traits that many of us associate with being a good moral agent. Nevertheless, character counts as much for leaders as it does for those who follow them. This is the case for many reasons, including the fact that a leader-such as a new manager-has the power to set the moral tone of the company she or he works for. In addition to this, poor character that is revealed can translate into earning the company a bad reputation or the loss of the management position. Cultivating character-in the form of things like discipline, patience, persistence, honesty, diligence, authenticity, stability, and vigilance-can be an integral success component for the new manager. For more information on this subject, view Jessica Harper’s important article, “10 Tips For New Managers.”


The importance of accountability in the world of business cannot be overemphasized, and it is especially important for the new manager. Although broadly defined, accountability is essentially a process of continual interaction between two or more persons that is established and sustained for the purpose of ensuring that at least one party involved is responsible to another for attitudes and actions. Accountability functions in a wide variety of ways, and almost all of them are positive. First, accountability often quells the individual’s will to perform an unethical or inappropriate behavior because the risk of remonstrance-in the form of demotion, job loss, or some other repercussion-greatly diminishes the desire to say or do something dishonest or unscrupulous. In addition to this, accountability gives the new manager an opportunity to continually dialogue with another person about actions and attitudes that are proving either advantageous or disadvantageous for self and other. Thus by meeting with an accountability partner, the new manager has continual opportunities for personal and professional growth.


This strategy is especially important for new managers. During the infancy stages of leadership, a new manager’s team will often carefully analyze her or his behavior to determine whether they intend to simply boss everyone around or want to foster positive, functional relationships with others. One way for team members to make such assessments is to carefully analyze how the new manager interacts with others. Omitting acts of “common courtesy”-such as saying thank you or offering others a breath mint after a meal-can be a red flag for employees who are attempting to determine whether a new manager wants to be part of a team or simply act in dictatorial fashion. A great manager will opt for the former modality, and will maximize common courtesy principles to make their leadership style known to others.


Great managers are not intimidated by the concept of others acquiring their skill set. Instead, they want people beneath them to expand their skill set for their own personal growth as well as the further development of the company as a composite entity. New managers should tap into this principle and willingly teach others such that the negative aspects of having a competitive spirit do not dominate the view others have of them.


Unfortunately, people often criticize others for the purpose of ridiculing or irritating them. Despite this fact, however, much of the criticism we receive is constructive, meaning that it is designed to improve the actions and attitudes of the receiver. Since this is the case, managers-and especially new managers-should take constructive criticism seriously rather than brushing it off. In short, constructive criticism provides the new manager with a clear understanding of areas where improvements can be made to benefit both self and other.
While new managers can experience a great degree of frustration or anxiety regarding their new position, implementing the aforementioned strategies can help facilitate the type of success that eradicates self-doubt and irritation. By learning important lessons regarding how to properly manage self and others early on, new managers are likely to experience a great degree of positivity and productivity in the workplace.

All the very best!!

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Ashley’s Answer

Research being a servant leader. Read books on leadership. More important than being a manager is learning to be a leader. Find a great leader and have them mentor you.

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Carrie’s Answer

I recommend reading Leadership 101 by John Maxwell. Also, you will want to understand the employment laws for your state. No company wants a manager who gets them into legal trouble.
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Andrew’s Answer

Hi Denny

Great question. My thoughts:
1. Responsibility - as the leader, the buck stops with you. Be sure you're ready for this as many people find they aren't or don't want to be responsible for their team's actions.
2. Tough / Thick skinned - you need to be able to accept criticism, not take it personally, and process it in such a way to be able to produce better results next time.
3. Empathetic - as you receive criticism and deal with it in #2 above, how you share critiques with your team can be very nuanced .

Best of luck!