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Action drives us to push our limits and to grow. What are a couple things that I can take action on today to challenge myself and grow?

More of a philosophy question :)

There are so many quotes about this concept "action":

“Never complain, never explain, just let your actions speak for themselves.” – Benjamin Disraeli
“The Superior man is modest in speech but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius
“There are no statues built to those who lived lives of mediocrity, and on the tomb of NO heroes will you find the words, he played it safe” – John Romaniello
“Fortune sides with him who dares.” – Virgil
“No man is more unhappy that he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.” – Seneca

There is something special behind it, and because I lack experience at 19-years-old, I wanted to ask you all what you have done in your life to challenge yourself through action? #business #leadership #philosophy #books #personal-development #growth

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Bethany’s Answer

Hi Matthew,

I really like this question. Challenges and adversity can create wonderful opportunities for holistic growth. They make us better problem solvers and hopefully they make us more thoughtful citizens. A lot of people seek the path of least resistance and they miss the beauty and the depth that resistance carves into a person, not to mention the gratitude that comes from overcoming adversity.

I have found one area that really push me and helps me to grow as a person and a leader and it may shock you. It is through serving others or volunteering that I have been stretched the most. Maybe you have studied a servant leadership model and you are familiar with this concept. Serving others sets an example for those following you or even just watching you. You can give back to your community and you may find that you benefit more than the person or people that you are serving. I have found that humbling myself and serving someone else brings about new appreciation for the things that I take for granted. It changes me and I hope it makes a better situation for the person I'm serving. There are many volunteer opportunities out there, meals on wheels, big brothers, Habitat for Humanity, and so on. You can also think outside the box. Tutoring, coaching little league, or mentoring. I love Create the Good for matching you with volunteer opportunities in your neighborhood that match your interests,
I hope you find this helpful. May I ask what activities you've pursued on your own that have stretched you?

Thank you comment icon Bethany, First, I wanted to thank you for your thought-out, thorough, and dense response- I greatly appreciate your effort. Second, you may be happy to know that I devote time to helping others. Whether it be through organizations like Martha's table or Habitat for Humanity, or whether it be through "Modeling the Way", leading by example, to spread positive, constructive vibes to friends and family, I always try to embody the best version of myself-- and this usually comes through giving back. In short, your response hit home with me. ... Matthew
Thank you comment icon ... Third, you asked about what I have been doing to take action this summer. A couple things. I read a lot, but this is not taking action. A book on personal development doesn't mean anything unless you take action on what's being said. You can believe things you read, but I believe you don't live those things until you experience such concepts - this is how we learn. So I'm always seeking not just knowledge, but applicable knowledge. Then I'm volunteering for Montgomery's Kids (you should definitely check out the website which is still a work in process, but it's ( and taking on some miscellaneous projects around the house. .... Matthew
Thank you comment icon Fourth and finally, I want to ask you if you recommend any books, philosophers, podcasts, or shows I should look into. Thank you again, Matt Matthew
Thank you comment icon I replied to your comments with another answer, I guess I went over the comments character limit. :) Bethany Obert
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Sharla’s Answer

Hi Matthew, it's so great that you're taking this perspective to move forward with your growth. My advice is to get uncomfortable. Leaving your comfort zone is a sure fire way to know that you're doing something different, exercising different muscles (literally and figuratively) and working toward change. This could be taking a course on public speaking or joining organizations such as Toastmaster's to improve your speaking and presentation skills. It may be as simple as changing your commute to work/school. Taking a different route moves you from your routine, which helps you get out of auto-pilot and take in your surroundings, change your perspective and spark new ideas. It could be as involved as learning a new language or traveling to experience new cultures. This type of action will help open your perspective to opportunities that you may pursue with today and tomorrow's global workforce. Another suggestion would be to job shadow in positions of interest to see any opportunities that you have with your professional growth and take on assignments or course work to close that gap.

I'll end with a favorite quote of mine that is attributed to Leonardo da Vinci: “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity, and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind.”

Good for you to seek continuous improvement through action!

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Ryan’s Answer

Hey Matthew, my type of query!

The fact that you're curious about the concept and have researched, read, and gone as far as reaching out to this tool to ask strangers their perspective on "action" is in fact... action. So you're literally in the process of growth now. Now that you're aware of it, you may think it's not enough or feel doubt, but that's just ego and eagerness. There's no rushing your own growth and evolution like there's no rushing experience. So stay curious. Your limitations are only the ones you put on yourself.

I was a little older than you when I joined the Marines, I wanted the answer to this same question so I chose a path of rapid and difficult challenge and growth. I don't recommend this for everyone and there are plenty of other pathways that accelerate growth but that's for you to find.

Since then, I have been an active student and teacher of taking action, realizing limitations (if they even exist), and personal growth. Action can be subtle and it can be monstrous, it takes shape in many forms, like water. I've also learned that taking action must also be balanced with observation because if you're always or constantly taking action then how can you hear what's being told to you? So observing, listening, and being aware of yourself and your environment is a different kind of action, passive. Like breathing.

If you desire to challenge yourself you could do the following:

1. Learn something new: Take some time to research and read about a topic that you are not familiar with. This could be a new hobby, skill, or industry that interests you.

2. Set a new goal: Identify a goal that you have been hesitant to pursue and commit to taking the first step towards achieving it. Break it down into smaller, actionable steps to make it more manageable.

3. Take on a new project: Look for an opportunity to take on a new project at work or in your personal life. This will allow you to stretch your skills and gain new experiences.

4. Get out of your comfort zone: Do something that scares you or that you have been avoiding because it feels uncomfortable or challenging. This could be anything from speaking in public to trying a new type of food.

5. Seek feedback: Ask someone you trust for honest feedback on an area that you would like to improve upon. Use this feedback to identify specific actions you can take to grow and develop.

Remember, challenging yourself and pushing your limits is a continuous process. By taking small steps every day, you can develop the mindset and habits of a lifelong learner and continuously grow and improve.
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Bethany’s Answer

Hi Matt, sounds like you are already learning some very important life lessons by serving others. Years from now you will be able to look back and see measureable growth. I have not heard of Montgomery's Kids before but I will definitely check them out. Personally I just started the application process to become a CASA volunteer in order to work with children in the foster care system and while I know it will challenge me on most days I am really looking forward to helping those who are the most vulnerable.

As far as philosophers are concerned it never hurts to read the classics. Oddly enough I majored in philosophy for my undergraduate degree. My program focused primarily on the great texts or the classics. Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and Soren Kierkegaard were some of my favorites. One of my professors would often caution us that as young students we should read the great philosophers and not form opinions, we should just hear what they are saying. Recognize that they, as philosophical as they were, still wrote in a particular context, the history of each of their time periods often provides great insight to what they were saying. My favorite classic text to this day is "Fear and Trembling" by Soren Kierkegaard, it is a truly excellent work. For a more "modern" read I do love Dorothy Sayers' essay "The Lost Tools of Learning" and Oz Guinnes' "Fit Bodies, Fat Minds". Actually you can look up his lectures online and you may really enjoy them.

A book I recommended often to the students I advised, they were mainly college juniors and seniors, is Strength Finder 2.0. It's gained a lot of popularity over the last 10 years so you may have already heard of it. The reading portion is about 20 pages describing strength phycology. The gist is that you really can NOT be anything you want to be and instead of focusing on weak areas you should identify and develop your strengths. Each book comes with a unique code that you use to go online and set up a profile and take a strength test. The test is actually very fascinating and personally I really enjoyed taking it. Afterwards you are given your top five strengths, this includes a generally description, a more in-depth personal description delving into what that strength looks like for you, and an action plan. In the years following taking this test I can not tell you how many times I have used this information to fine-tune my own path, to improve my interviewing skills, and build a very specific resume. I highly recommend this little book. It has been invaluable in my career journey.

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Emily’s Answer

Ambition and motivation are powerful but need to be stoked to keep the fire burning.
Stay curious, ask the right questions, demand honesty, be accountable, do not be held back
by fear of failure, and do not settle for mediocrity.

A suggested good read: The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard -
"Choose an ambition and, with full force, expect that it is possible and that you can make it happen.
Give constant attention and committed effort to your dreams, and your motivation will
perpetuate itself. Demonstrate a positive attitude as you strive for great things and
take care to create a supportive environment around you that amplifies your motivation." (p.67)
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Ahmed’s Answer

Here are seven things you can do to push past your limits.

1. Find someone to help push you

Just that little bit of support encouraging you to keep going in the face of resistance can mean so much. Having someone on your side can counter-balance any negative thinking you might have. They can tell you to do more and push you into doing things outside of your comfort zone.

2. Take on a little more than you think you can

Pushing past your limits means taking on newer, progressively harder challenges. If you’re not challenging yourself to do bigger and better things on a regular basis, you’re only working within the confines of what you already can do. That’s a sure-fire way to stay exactly where you are and make little to no progress.

3. Imagine reaching your next level

Working on your dreams or goals can take a lot of focus. Where you put that focus matters a lot. You might know where you are and where you were, but do you know where you need to go? Imagine that next level for reaching your dreams and take steps to get there.

4. Look at how others reached where you want to go

Whatever your goals are, there are probably others who have had them and succeeded in reaching them. Look to them for clues on what they did to push past their limits on their way to success. You’ll probably find a lot of great information from examining the path they took.

5. Inspire yourself to action

Find something that inspires you to reach your goals. Whether it is a video, quote or thought that inspires you to succeed, it should be something that fills you with passion and drive to get things done. Inspiration can be a powerful motivational tool.

6. Don’t stop until exhaustion

I’ve been known to push myself so hard that I reach exhaustion. Each time I work out, I try to lift with more weight. I’ve worked on this blog for endless hours to get the HTML formatting and design just the way I want them to be. These tasks exhausted me, but they were completely necessary for me to reach my goals.

7. Work on your weaknesses

Where there are weaknesses, there are limits. Think about a marathon runner. They won’t be able to train very well for a marathon if they can’t find a good running stride or have bad nutrition. These are big areas of weakness that just makes training harder. Without correction, your weaknesses will limit how far you can take yourself.

Breaking Down Your Barriers

In order to reach your dreams or goals, you need to push through your limits and past your comfort zone. There are no shortcuts. Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. That’s been my personal motto for success in life. It’s my way of reminding me to constantly push myself and not settle for average.

When you’re facing your limits and you feel that resistance, it can seem hard to overcome. But just by pushing yourself a little harder, you can really accomplish some great things. And the funny thing is that once you do, you can look back and wonder just why you ever thought it was that difficult to begin with. Don’t let limits stop you from doing anything.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Matthew,

According to Ask Ai Questions Search Engine:

Challenging Yourself Through Action:

Taking action to challenge yourself and foster personal growth is a commendable endeavor. Here are a couple of things you can do today to push your limits and expand your horizons:

Learn Something New: Engaging in continuous learning is a powerful way to challenge yourself. This could involve picking up a new skill, language, hobby, or even delving into a subject you know little about. Learning keeps your mind sharp, broadens your perspective, and opens up new opportunities for personal development.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Growth often happens outside of our comfort zones. Challenge yourself by doing something that scares you or makes you uncomfortable. This could be speaking in public, taking on a leadership role in a project, or initiating a conversation with someone you admire. Stepping out of your comfort zone builds resilience and confidence.

Set Goals and Take Action: Setting specific, measurable goals can provide direction and motivation for personal growth. Break down your goals into smaller actionable steps and start working towards them today. Whether it’s related to your career, health, relationships, or personal development, taking consistent action towards your goals will help you challenge yourself and progress.

Personal Experiences:

Drawing inspiration from the quotes you shared and reflecting on personal experiences can offer valuable insights into challenging oneself through action. Here are some examples of actions individuals have taken to challenge themselves:

Starting a Business: Venturing into entrepreneurship requires courage, determination, and the willingness to take risks. Building a business from the ground up challenges individuals to think creatively, problem-solve effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances.

Leadership Roles: Taking on leadership roles within organizations or community initiatives can be a significant challenge that fosters personal growth. Leading teams, making tough decisions, and inspiring others require strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to navigate complex situations.

Continuous Learning: Many successful individuals prioritize lifelong learning as a means of challenging themselves and staying relevant in their fields. Whether through reading books, attending workshops, pursuing certifications, or seeking mentorship, committing to continuous learning fuels personal growth and keeps individuals adaptable in an ever-evolving world.

Incorporating these actions into your daily life can help you challenge yourself, cultivate resilience, and unlock your full potential for growth.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review: A reputable source for insights on business strategies, leadership development, and personal growth.

Stanford Graduate School of Business: Known for its research-based articles on leadership principles, innovation strategies, and professional development.

Psychology Today: Offers evidence-based advice on personal development, mental health topics, and strategies for self-improvement.

These sources were consulted to provide accurate information on challenging oneself through action and fostering personal growth across various domains such as business, leadership, philosophy, books, and personal development.

God Bless You,
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Penny’s Answer


You have received some great feedback. I wanted to comment because my daughter has her degree in Philosophy! I suggest getting involved in a club or sorority during college. My daughter was on the recruitment chair for 2 years and then became the President of her Sorority. This challenged her to speak in front of large groups, plan events, organize events, hold fund raisers and develop her people skills with her 'sisters' and how to motive a large group. It increased her confident and with her philosophy degree she applied non-emotion decisions.

What I have done lately to challenge myself is from a book called 'The 5 second Rule' by Mel Robbins. Applying the 5 second Rule..has pushed me to say yes...before I talk myself out of taking the challenge.

Best of luck!

Penny recommends the following next steps:

The 5 second Rule by Mel Robbins
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Rodrigo’s Answer

Hi Matthew! I agree with all answers so far: this is a great question to do to yourself.

And I also agree with the point of view that getting out of your comfort zone is probably the best way to do it.

What I did myself was always look for opportunities of unknown challenges but also paid attention to try to fit the challenge with some of my strengths. What I'm saying is: if you go for an unknown activity that you don't have any strength to help you go through it, the challenge may be too complex to be dealt and the difficult level might be to high.

As you probably noticed, self knowledge play a big role here... So: know your strengths, look for activities/roles that can be uncomfortable to you and you keep rely on some of your strengths to pass through it. All the success to you!