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Penny Kumpe’s Avatar

Penny Kumpe

Supervisor Customer Service
Office and Administrative Support Occupations
3 Answers
2439 Reads
1 Karma
edward’s Avatar
edward Dec 19, 2018 625 views

1.How long did it take you to get your job


Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 12, 2016 1551 views

Action drives us to push our limits and to grow. What are a couple things that I can take action on today to challenge myself and grow?

More of a philosophy question :) There are so many quotes about this concept "action": “Never complain, never explain, just let your actions speak for themselves.” – Benjamin Disraeli “The Superior man is modest in speech but exceeds in his actions.” – Confucius “There are no statues built to...

Vanissa’s Avatar
Vanissa Aug 26, 2018 767 views

What can I start doing right now?

What kind of job could I start looking for, without having a bachelors degree but trying to get into the field of Occupation therapy. #jobs #field