I am starting nursing school and I need some advice.
I am a college student. I was in a community college, doing my prerequisites for the nursing degree. I am done with most of them so I transferred to a 4 year college. I have 3 more years and I am done with BSN. I am starting the nursing classes just this fall semester. If you were giving the opportunity to redo nursing school and you were in my shoes, what would you have done differently? What did you not do that you wish you did? What did you do wrong that you wish you did right? What did you wish you would have known before you started nursing school? How flexible were you on the weekends? Were you able to work? Did you get time to hang with friends? How did you balance fun with school work? #nursing #college-advice #career-advice #school-nursing #lesson-planning
3 answers
Estelle’s Answer
Good luck to you!
Suzanne’s Answer
As far as free time and balancing work , it is tough, but it can be done and in my opinion is the key to succeeding. Taking time to relax, exercise socialize with friends actually will make you perform better as a student and as a nurse. Nursing school requires hours and hours of studying, taking exams, skills assessments, labs, etc..... I found that my performance would go down if I didn't get away from my work.
Other suggestions that will help with school and as a nurse:
1. ***Prioritize!!! What is the most important/critical assignment that needs to be done. For school, look at which assignments will affect your grade the most. I found out later than I'd wanted that the majority of my grade was based on the exams. I spent way too much time on the care plans and writing which were worth much less than the exams. I did very well with my written work and clinicals, but the focus is on the exams since most schools are focused on teaching you how to pass the NCLEX. It's unfortunate that this is the case because once you become a nurse, that is not what matters the most!
I hope this has helped. Please don't hesitate if you need any other assistance/advice. Good luck!
Arun’s Answer
Registered nurses with a BSN may enroll in 1-2 year master's degree programs to specialize as clinical nurse specialists, nurse or other advanced nursing professionals. Courses may delve into topics in pediatrics, internal medicine and women's health. Upon completion of the program, an RN is required to pass a certification exam and obtain licensure from the state as a nurse practitioner.
In 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that employment growth for RNs is expected to be 16% between 2014-2024 while LPNs and LVNS should see the same 16% growth over that same period. An aging population and growing demand for preventive care are factors likely contributing to this projected growth. As of May 2015, the BLS states the average annual salary for RNs was $71,000; for LPNs and LVNs it was $44,030.
Becoming an RN or an LPN or LVN is a good way to get experience in the nursing field and get started in a career. LVNs and LPNs are restricted to basic nursing duties, such as bandaging and taking vital signs, while RNs handle more challenging nursing responsibilities, such as performing tests and administering medication. In either case, new nurses have to pass a licensure exam, although the specific exam depends on what kind of nurses they are becoming.