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How would life be ? Does it get harder or easier

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Imani!

Life’s Challenges and Changes

Life is a complex journey filled with various challenges and changes. The difficulty of life can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances, experiences, and perspectives. It is important to recognize that life can present both hardships and moments of ease. While some aspects of life may become more challenging over time, others may become easier as individuals gain experience, wisdom, and resilience.

Challenges in Life

Life often presents numerous challenges that can make it seem harder at times. These challenges may include personal struggles, such as health issues, financial difficulties, relationship problems, or career setbacks. Additionally, societal and global challenges, such as economic downturns, political unrest, natural disasters, and pandemics, can also contribute to the overall difficulty of life. These challenges can test one’s strength, perseverance, and ability to adapt.

Easing of Burdens

On the other hand, as individuals grow and learn from their experiences, they may develop coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills that can make certain aspects of life easier to navigate. For example, as people mature, they often gain a better understanding of themselves and others, which can lead to improved relationships and reduced interpersonal conflicts. Furthermore, advancements in technology and access to information may simplify certain tasks and provide solutions to previously daunting problems.

Personal Growth and Resilience

Throughout life, individuals have the opportunity to grow personally and emotionally. This growth can lead to increased resilience in the face of adversity. As people overcome obstacles and learn from their mistakes, they often become better equipped to handle future challenges. Moreover, the development of emotional intelligence and self-awareness can empower individuals to approach life’s difficulties with greater confidence and clarity.


In summary, life is a dynamic journey that encompasses both hardships and moments of ease. While certain aspects of life may become more challenging over time due to various personal and external factors, individuals also have the capacity to develop resilience, problem-solving skills, and emotional maturity that can make certain aspects of life easier to manage.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Health Publishing: This source provides evidence-based health information from the experts at Harvard Medical School.
Psychology Today: A trusted source for psychology-related content written by professionals in the field.
World Health Organization (WHO): A leading global health organization that provides authoritative information on public health issues.

These sources were utilized to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in response to your question.

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Geraldine’s Answer

As we grow and evolve, our abilities naturally expand, enabling us to tackle tasks that once seemed daunting with newfound ease.

Indeed, life's challenges may intensify as we progress, but that's just a sign we're on the right track. We begin to grasp the grand scheme of things, understanding that the fruits of our labor are well worth the sweat and toil. Joyful individuals are those who exert effort and achieve their life's aspirations. Whether it's making a difference in the world, their country, their community, or simply their family, the exertion is justified.

Similarly, relationships require nurturing and patience. With age comes the wisdom that unkind individuals are merely reflecting their own issues, not ours. We learn to surround ourselves with kind-hearted individuals and distance ourselves from those who bring negativity.

Ultimately, we learn to embrace our unique selves, all while striving for self-improvement. Yes, life may become more challenging, but it also becomes more rewarding and fulfilling. The journey, with all its ups and downs, is truly worthwhile.
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Haven’s Answer

Life is full of challenges and obstacles. It is both unknowingly scary, but exciting as people don't know what they are going to face in life. However, people can only control what they can control. People have to make best of what life throws at them; and the same goes for people making the best of what they have. That said, people need to have the right mindset to achieve what they want. If they have a mindset that everything is difficult, then life will be hard. However, if they have a mindset that they will succeed, and will not shy away from facing challenges head on, then life will be easier to manage. Overall, my best advice is this: life is hard, and sometimes people can't do anything to change that, however with the right mindset, they can take a negative and turn into a positive by perceiving life's challenges in that way and as a result, people will have a much easier life.
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Judith’s Answer

Life is life, but as the song goes, first cut is the deepest. It may be good to journal these first cuts and look back at how you handle them. Was it in appropriate ways, did you binge on any thing? The best way to handle first cuts is to use your creative endeavors and check out what they are saying to you. That way you can have the pain speak to you and you learn without making a mess of life.
Karl Rahner, the Theologian says (to paraphrase) that if we make good choices we have good options. When we make bad choices, we delete good options.
With experiences you will better learn and understand, so if you have made good choices, you will be able to anticipate, pivot and direct onto a better course. Making wise choices when things look bad helps to build character and continue on your path, so in a sense, it does get easier as we gain wisdom.
Be well.
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Jason’s Answer

Life becoming easier or harder is mostly up to you. Like Haven said, Mindset is everything. Life, generally speaking, will be full of challenges. How you respond to them is 90% of the "battle". Saying that, I want to also say that you can and will be met with many wonderful surprises as well. Try to not think about it as good or bad or even easy or hard. Life is ebb and flow, like a river- There will be some rough spots but there will also be some amazing spots as well.

Hope this helps.
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Jason’s Answer

Hi Imani,

What wonderfully thought provoking question. Some great responses have already been given but this is such a broad and personal question that I will add a bit more from my perspective. I many ways the answer is both, some things get easier while other get harder and the game is always changing. Some things you may struggle with now may fade into irrelevance while other unseen dynamics may challenge you in ways you never imagined. Life is just this way and it is very individual but there are few things to consider.

First - I strongly recommend that everyone consider who they want to be - not what they want to do. When you know who you want to be as a person and them strive to live up to it you will have greater direction and a higher perspective on life. Many of the problems people run into in life results from allowing circumstances to dictate our behavior and choices. You are in charge of you and can decide for yourself what you will do and who you will be. Knowing who you are and who you want to become is freedom.

Second - If life is too easy perhaps you are not living up to your potential. I have experienced some of the greatest periods of personal growth from working through major difficulties in my life. It can be tempting to simply coast through life and take the easy path but that will rarely provide us with the outcomes we ultimately desire.

Third - Life doesn't need to be so hard after all. There is a famous quote from George Higgins that says "Life is hard, but its harder if you're stupid." This is true. We can make life much more difficult when we do dumb things even when we know better. Too many of us sacrifice what we want most for what we desire in the moment. If life is hard it can be instructive to consider how we are contributing to the difficulty.

Fourth - It's often a matter of perspective. If we are always looking at life from the perspective that its too hard and unfair you will find plenty of examples to justify that point of view. On the other hand if you look for the joys and wonder in life you will find that as well. For example, early in our marriage my wife's Grandfather was struggling with health issues and dementia and could not be left alone. Once a week my wife and infant son would take the hour drive to the small town where he lived in order to provide the care and support he needed so his primary caretaker (her Aunt) could get away and take care of some of her own needs. This went on for several months as her grandfathers health continued to deteriorate. It was a challenge for her to drive an hour each way to take care of him while still tending her own newborn son. He eventually passed away and though it was a major struggle to get out there every week, she is so grateful in retrospect that she took the time to do it as she will never have the opportunity to see him again in this life. As it hard and time consuming as it was it turned out to be the best choice for her.

Fifth - You are the only one who will live your life so don't allow the judgments of others to bring you down. Likewise we don't fully understand the apparent ease or difficulty of another's life either - so be kind. Too often we as people compare our relative ease or difficulties to others and can feel superior or inferior by comparison. Its important to remember that everyone is different and what may be a challenge for me could be a simple matter for you and vice versa. Chances are everyone you meet today has some unspoken pain or challenge that wont make it on a social media post - but that does not make it any less real.

I hope you and I both have wonderful and fulfilling lives of significance to those who matter most - be it easy or hard.