How many years does it take to become a fully accredited practicing doctor?
This includes all of medical school, residency, and possibly fellowships. #medicine #medical-school #medical-research
5 answers

Todd Campbell, MD, FACS
Todd’s Answer
4 year undergraduate degree, 4 years medical school, 3-5 years of residency training excluding research years (optional but highly recommended if you are going into academia), 1-2 years fellowship program (optional).
Rachel’s Answer
Estelle’s Answer
4 years college
4 years medical school
4 years residency (You will start receiving a salary during these years.)
Dwania’s Answer
4 years of undergrad
4 years of med school
Residency can be 4-6 tears depending on your have pg1-pg4 and then you become a fellow..It can last 2 years which can be a total of 12-14 years.
Richard’s Answer
4 years of medical school
3 -6 years of residency
1-2 years of fellowship