3 answers

Steve Lewis
Steve’s Answer
Could you consider volunteer work as an alternative? I did a quick search and found a few hospitals that have applications. Volunteering could also help you once you are able to apply for an internship.
James’s Answer
hi michela,
i have a couple of comments on this from personal experience.
first, i was a junior hospital volunteer for one summer at a pediatric hospital when i was 14 years old. so-so experience.
second, when i was a junior in college i found out about a 6-week summer program for pre-med minorities at several of the Texas medical schools. i did the program at the medical center in Houston. we rotated through several different services, dissected cadavers, visited with lots of professors, had some social times. awesome experience.
i would suggest that you speak with the Health Professions advisor at your college. they should be aware of programs such as this.
good luck!
Cielo’s Answer
Some hospitals have nurse externship programs you can apply to & those are actually paid positions. The good about this is that sometimes, hospitals will offer you a job once you graduate & get your RN license.
I work for the VA & I know that the VA has a program called VALOR (Veterans Affairs Learning Opportunities Residency) & every year, we usually get about 3 senior students. I don't know the details but I know that it's a pid position. Also, I've worked with a few nurses who were in the program & stayed after graduation.
Good luck!!