How does technology make a better employee?
At work, employees uses computers, printers, copy machines etc... How does that help the employee and our modern time efficiency? #business #computer #jobs #work-life-balance #efficiency
5 answers

Abhinav Sharma
Abhinav’s Answer
Gary’s Answer
I agree with the other comment. Developing skills in various computer office tools (like Excel, Word, Powerpoint or Access) can make you far more efficient and valuable at your job. I have been using these tools since they first arrived on the scene a couple of decades ago and they have made me a far more valuable and efficient employee
Chris’s Answer
Technology is a great tool in business today. It can be used for everything from communication, planning, research, and to even better yourself via apps centered on well being. All of these things play a role in becoming a great employee. I would encourage you to just try a lot of different apps to see what works for you or peaks your interest.
Simeon’s Answer
Ken’s Answer
Technology is a tool. It sometimes lets people work smarter rather than harder.