Career questions tagged efficiency

What is the optimal college-student vehicle?
I know that fuel efficiency is important since travelling home will be a frequent task, cheap maintenance is probably a plus; but what car would you suggest to a college student that simply wants a good car that will take him from point A to point B while in college without having to spend to much of my tuition savings? #car #travel #efficiency

as a civil engineer, what is considered an efficient work path for the engineer?
I am pursuing the area of civil engineering and I am simply worried for my future since I do not have everything structured yet. I have a few plans for my future, but I want to be as efficient as possible in my workplace. Therefore, how can I make myself an efficient civil engineer? #efficiency #civilengineer

How does technology make a better employee?
At work, employees uses computers, printers, copy machines etc... How does that help the employee and our modern time efficiency? #business #computer #jobs #work-life-balance #efficiency