3 answers
Advice for college application
I've decided on studying in nursing program.
Currently I'm filling out the application form, and I have been trying to increase my extracurriculars with lots of activities and volunteering in organizations.
What would make my application look stronger and interesting?
If you have advices, please let me know! #nursing #college #college-advice
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3 answers
Safwan’s Answer
Hi Samiye!
A lot of people in the medical field use being an EMT as an extracurricular. Its a difficult process to learn everything and become an EMT, but you learn a lot about medicine and work a lot of hours in the field. I would definitely give it a shot if you have the chance.
A lot of people in the medical field use being an EMT as an extracurricular. Its a difficult process to learn everything and become an EMT, but you learn a lot about medicine and work a lot of hours in the field. I would definitely give it a shot if you have the chance.
Karen’s Answer
In any application process for a specific program - like Nursing/ Health Care, folks want to learn more about your passion / interest in the profession. What's the story behind your choosing to explore that career? Did you have a medical experience that was truly memorable ? Perhaps an emergency room visit sometime where the care was dynamic. Or did you just love going to your pediatrician's office because of the warmth and friendliness and it just inspired you? Maybe you have a family member or loved one for whom you desire to see get better? Maybe someone struggles with diabetes or cancer ? You can tell a bit of that story and perhaps why it has stirred the passion in you to "get in the fight." It doesn't have to be heart wrenching - just a pull on the heart strings allows for those reading your story to see what is inspiring you!
Specifically volunteer in a medical facility; Nursing home, medical center, candy striper https://work.chron.com/volunteer-jobs-teens-childrens-hospitals-22486.html
Karen recommends the following next steps:
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Samiye! Congratulations on taking this key step into applying for college! I don't remember how I listed all my extracurriculars/activities- it has been a long time since high school! However, don't stress too much about trying to do too MANY activities, it is always quantity not quality. I would also like to include that when writing about these activities talk about the impact you made, yes it is wonderful to spend time in a soup kitchen and help others, but how has that impacted you? Has it changed your outlook, have you maybe taken a leadership role and ate with the individuals at the soup kitchen, instead of only serving them? Just some examples. The point of volunteering/extracurriculars is to display interests and service to others, while grades like GPA and SATS show you are ready academically, colleges want to know more about you, what makes you .. you? I truly hope this has helped!
I wish you all the best!
I wish you all the best!