How would you recommend I go about getting a job in Hong Kong?
Hi everyone, I am a college student currently very interested in working in Hong Kong.
I am using some resources like Linkedin and stuff.
I hear that it is possible to get jobs there even without sufficient Chinese(Cantonese and Mandarin alike).
I'm looking for experiences in areas of: sales, HR, customer relations, and other business areas.
If you have experiences working in Hong Kong or have knowledge about it, please let me know! #jobs #job-search #human-resources #working-abroad #hongkong #sales
5 answers
Luke’s Answer
Siddharth’s Answer
You can also go on and pitch yourself to HK based start-ups. Start-ups are typically cash starved and overworked, they can always use an intern, even if a position is not posted.
In both the above, you might not get paid very well or at all. That said don't give away too much, try to negotiate with whichever company you are dealing with.