In the 21st century, how has dance and technology come together?
Not just dancing, but also in theatre, how has technology transformed the way plays and performances run? #computer-software #computer #technology #dance #theatre
2 answers
Adam’s Answer
Hi Halea,
I do not know much about dance, but as for theatre, we could look at an example: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (play).
This play is a multiple awards winner for best lighting design and scenic design.
One major factor here is the technology. The main character has an unspecified autism spectrum disorder, so it's hard to use traditional dialogs to express his mind. In order to bring his thoughts and his imaginary world to real world, the play uses movable connected big screens as walls and floors to create a 3-dimensional imaginary space. With the perfect coordination of lights, screens and actors, the play was able to expose and describe the little boy's mind to the public.
Another example would be Wicked the musical. Besides the fairy tale, Wicked is also known for its huge dragon on the stage. The dragon could move its neck, open mouth, and blink eyes. Wicked has also won some best scenic design awards.
Hopefully this helps.

bridget navoda
bridget’s Answer
Hi Halea! What an interesting question!
I do not have any experience or expertise, but have seen some pretty amazing performances.
You might check out the University of California (Irvine) website:
For theater... peek at Emerson College and the areas they explore.
Best to you,