Do colleges allow you to create your own major or minor if they do not offer the one you want?
I am thinking about minoring in statistics but that minor is not listed on my college's website. Do some colleges allow students to create their own minor using classes that the school offers? Does it vary depending on the college? #college #college-major #majors-and-minors
3 answers
Kim’s Answer
I honestly don't know the answer to your question. When I went to school, there were enough electives built into the degree plan to where I was effectively able to create my own major. That is, my major was Sociology. But I did not take all the traditional Sociology classes like Marriage, etc. My electives were in Political Science, specifically in those classes dealing with bringing about change through the political and social arenas. However, I do not have an official "minor" in this. You might want to see if you can do something similar!
Kelsey’s Answer
Most schools will allow you to work with an academic advisor to customize your own degree. For example: if you like statistics you may end up majoring in Mathematics, but your focus would be statistics. I technically majored in History, but the majority of my classes were about Greco-Roman history. So I have a history degree, with a concentration (or focus) in Greco-Roman studies.
I would reach out to the school you want to attend and ask what their policy is when it comes to customizing your major. Most college recruiting departments can tell you if what you want to study matches the classes they offer.

Keith Sun, MA, NCC
Keith’s Answer
Most colleges do allow you to create your own major, Galina. You would have to consult with your academic advisor on campus, to discuss the coursework you'd like to put together for a major. For example, you could pull some courses from history, sociology, philosophy, and foreign languages to create your own Liberal Arts major.