2 answers
Making Money?
What jobs can I get involved with sports, management, or math that will make good money?
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2 answers
Catherine’s Answer
My brother wanted to focus on sports management, but the opportunities to start are very limited, so he did a Finance Major with a minor in sports management. The initial jobs are not very high paying and even internships tend to be without pay as there is a high demand for such roles. Good luck!!
Nathan’s Answer
I hate to be the honest person, but generally we all have to put in our time to get into the salary/job that you want. It may be that you're working as a waiter at a local sports restaurant to get your foot in the door and get experience. This waiter experience will turn into something you can put on your resume, which will show that you can interact with customers well. When you go looking for a full time/permanent job, it may not be the job you're looking for, but it will help you get closer to a sports, management, math type career. In short, if you keep working toward your goal of getting into the position you'd like, you'll eventually get there. I have worked for 10+ years in jobs that were not what I was looking for but eventually kept plugging away and switched to a job I thought I'd like more and I love my job because of the people, the work they let me do and the pay comes with the work.