If you received multiple misdemeanors in various states which all were determined dismissed, will the government hire you?
I have a friend who got misdemeanors and an injunction in two different states, everything turned out to be dismissed or basically denied because nothing actually happened. They do show up in the court systems though. My friend wants to get a job with the government and has the skill set for some positions in his field of study. Should he just forget about getting a job with the government and try to go the private route or should he make an attempt to get a job with the government since everything he did was thrown out because they were ridiculous charges? #government #recruiting #human-resources #career-details #job-application #personal-development
3 answers
Maureen’s Answer
The only time the question could be a problem for you is if the job involves a security clearance. If that is the case you may want to go to Free People Scan.com and see what shows up.