4 answers
Is it good?
What can be some benefits from becoming a vet?
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4 answers
Michael’s Answer
Thanks, Evelyn, for your question. In answering your question, I'm thinking about President JF Kennedy's famous saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can you do for your country." Veterinarians are a tremendous benefit to society. One of the reasons veterinarian is among the most trusted professions is because we provide a service, either as a small animal veterinarian taking care of a loved family member (a dog or a cat) or as a food safety veterinarian working for the government in meat inspection. When I worked closely with dogs and cats, I derived a lot of benefit from handling the animals, touching them, when I would do a physical exam or during a prep for a surgery. I always felt it was a great privilege to be able to work with animals. At the same time, in the US we are currently facing shortages in the labor force in critical conditions like food safety veterinarians. The challenges are great; avian flu has had a devastating impact, not only in America, but globally, and many animals had to be slaughtered without them entering the food chain in order to get the spread of the disease under control. Not enough veterinarians are engaged in this type of work where public health benefits and hence we all benefit from it individually. The benefits of the veterinarian are varied; the job being varied is in and of itself a benefit. It's never boring, and we have many opportunities in our careers for doing something different, something new. Veterinarians are scientists and have to stay afloat on the changing world we live in. We do that through continuing education or participating in research. I have met many older veterinarians that are very interesting to talk to because they have seen so many different things, in particular, different animals. There was a recent article I read by a young veterinarian who is also a writer. What I really liked about the story is her search of her identity as a veterinarian. In the story she described what events led her to finally realize that her calling in life was to be a veterinarian. I think that's an important thing to keep in mind. A calling, an identity-forming series of events, is very different from viewing a career to get into as just or exclusively beneficial to you. That being said, I agree that a career needs to have some perks, some benefits that allow to form and maintain work-life balance. Veterinarians tend to work long hours so this is something to think very carefully about from the start. Veterinarian is and continues to be a good profession. May you make it part of your life.
Delia’s Answer
I am only a tech & not a doc, but I've been working on animals for +25 years.... so I've seen A LOT!
I love animals. I genuinely do. Dogs are more my favorite cause a dog loves you when no one else does!! ♥️🫠
Anyway...I believe 1 of the benefits is getting to love on puppies & kittens!! And if those puppies have puppy breath......OMG! I LOVE PUPPY BREATH!!! Maybe it's just a tech thing, but nothing compares to puppy breathe!!
I love animals. I genuinely do. Dogs are more my favorite cause a dog loves you when no one else does!! ♥️🫠
Anyway...I believe 1 of the benefits is getting to love on puppies & kittens!! And if those puppies have puppy breath......OMG! I LOVE PUPPY BREATH!!! Maybe it's just a tech thing, but nothing compares to puppy breathe!!
Ashraf’s Answer
Hello Evelyn! Being a veterinary student from past 4 years i can say this is one of the best field to choose if you are an true animal lover and have passion to treat the silent creature. You will have to work with your passion and spent more time with the beautiful pets they bring it to you and hoping to be treated well. Beside this there is alot of opportunity in this professional field to bring yourself in the top of people.
Keyana’s Answer
There are many rewarding benefits such as:
-The ability to help pets heal
-Challenging yourself to be the very best version of yourself
-Networking (getting to know other fellow veterinarians) and working with many different talents
-You can decided what you want to do (teacher, practice medicine, be a relief or traveling veterinarian)
-You will always have a job (high demand)
-The ability to help pets heal
-Challenging yourself to be the very best version of yourself
-Networking (getting to know other fellow veterinarians) and working with many different talents
-You can decided what you want to do (teacher, practice medicine, be a relief or traveling veterinarian)
-You will always have a job (high demand)