4 answers
please can anybody help me out?
I have been learning JavaScript for the past 4months now the coding aspect, but I can't seem to figure out how to use it with my html and CSS.
4 answers
Elliot’s Answer
You need to look at examples. Get a couple good beginner books on Javascript and go slowwww through it. Also as mentioned, W3schools is a good site.
Peter’s Answer
1) Launch Chrome browser, enable "Developer Tools" in "More Tools." You'll see tabs like Elements, Console, and Sources.
2) Open a webpage (e.g., careervillage.com), find HTML and scripts in the Elements tab.
3) In the Sources tab, locate cdn.jsdeliver.net, and find the js/src folder containing JavaScript code.
4) CSS is in the "Styles" section, either in the <head> or <body> block of the Elements tab.
a) Understand JavaScript by studying its implementation on webpages.
b) Explore a Node.js book to learn how it works, interacts, and loads components.
2) Open a webpage (e.g., careervillage.com), find HTML and scripts in the Elements tab.
3) In the Sources tab, locate cdn.jsdeliver.net, and find the js/src folder containing JavaScript code.
4) CSS is in the "Styles" section, either in the <head> or <body> block of the Elements tab.
a) Understand JavaScript by studying its implementation on webpages.
b) Explore a Node.js book to learn how it works, interacts, and loads components.
Angelo’s Answer
Great start and good news that you are learning Javascript!
Below is a good resource to learn html, css and javascript..to name a few. This site will allow you to play and test what you are learning on the website.
I hope this helps. Happy coding!
Below is a good resource to learn html, css and javascript..to name a few. This site will allow you to play and test what you are learning on the website.
I hope this helps. Happy coding!
david’s Answer
Congratulations on learning Javascript! That is a major programming language for the web. To learn more about interjecting that into HTML and CSS, I recommend two approaches:
1. use your browser search engine with searches such as "how to use HTML javascript" as that will open a number of websites with tutorials on the topic.
2. if a public library is accessible to you, see if they have books on Javascript, as most books also include HTML with samples of using the two elements together.
It was the above two techniques that I used for Javascript and other internet skills. I wish you well in your pursuits.
1. use your browser search engine with searches such as "how to use HTML javascript" as that will open a number of websites with tutorials on the topic.
2. if a public library is accessible to you, see if they have books on Javascript, as most books also include HTML with samples of using the two elements together.
It was the above two techniques that I used for Javascript and other internet skills. I wish you well in your pursuits.
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