6 answers
How to keep a business running successfully in high school?
I have a small business currently but am struggling staying consistent. I love my business but find myself struggling managing sports, school, friends and family and my business. Any tips?
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6 answers
Fred’s Answer
That is the eternal struggle. We all have many competing interests. You have to decide which is most important to you, and which (if any) you can make sacrifices in. If your business is more important that sports, consider dropping that. Or maybe you want to spend less time with your friends.
Any decision you make will have repercussions. That's not good or bad, as long as you take the good and bad into account when you make your decision.
Running a business is hard. It takes time and dedication. I'm fairly certain that almost everyone who has started a business from scratch has made sacrifices. But only you can decide what those sacrifices should be in your situtation.
Any decision you make will have repercussions. That's not good or bad, as long as you take the good and bad into account when you make your decision.
Running a business is hard. It takes time and dedication. I'm fairly certain that almost everyone who has started a business from scratch has made sacrifices. But only you can decide what those sacrifices should be in your situtation.
Jennifer’s Answer
First off, great that you already have your own business as a high schooler - congrats! It is a lot of juggle. Managing competing priorities is an ongoing challenge and doesn't change after high school, after college, or even as you start your career. Its a balance and sometimes a tradeoff. You need to decide what is most important to you and focus on those areas.
Just make sure that on whichever area(s) you decide to dedicate yourself to "Be there, be present". By this, it means to make sure you dedicate your time and focus on that area during the time you carve out for that. For example, if you decide to focus on your business and you set aside 2 defined hours a day for your business, make sure you are 100% dedicated during that time. Don't try to multitask and also juggle friend time at the same time. Good luck!
Prioritize what is most important to you
Just make sure that on whichever area(s) you decide to dedicate yourself to "Be there, be present". By this, it means to make sure you dedicate your time and focus on that area during the time you carve out for that. For example, if you decide to focus on your business and you set aside 2 defined hours a day for your business, make sure you are 100% dedicated during that time. Don't try to multitask and also juggle friend time at the same time. Good luck!
Jennifer recommends the following next steps:
Madi’s Answer
Hello Lydia,
I believe that the key to successfully juggling all the various tasks in your life lies in mastering time management. Since we only have 24 hours in a day, making the most of those hours can empower you to reach your objectives. It's also crucial to remember that it's not always possible to do everything, and effective time management can help you discern between what's essential and urgent, as opposed to what can be postponed.
A few strategies to better manage your time include utilizing planners, planning ahead, and leaving some flexibility in your schedule for unforeseen events. Embrace these techniques, and you'll find yourself feeling more in control and encouraged in handling your responsibilities.
I believe that the key to successfully juggling all the various tasks in your life lies in mastering time management. Since we only have 24 hours in a day, making the most of those hours can empower you to reach your objectives. It's also crucial to remember that it's not always possible to do everything, and effective time management can help you discern between what's essential and urgent, as opposed to what can be postponed.
A few strategies to better manage your time include utilizing planners, planning ahead, and leaving some flexibility in your schedule for unforeseen events. Embrace these techniques, and you'll find yourself feeling more in control and encouraged in handling your responsibilities.
Sudhakar’s Answer
At some point in our lives, we all face the challenge of juggling multiple priorities and finding a balance. The key is to determine which priorities are most important to you and tackle them in that order, since everyone only has 24 hours in a day and even fewer active hours!
To make this process easier, consider spending 15 minutes at the beginning of each day to plan your schedule based on the priority rankings. This will help you stay organized and focused throughout the day.
To make this process easier, consider spending 15 minutes at the beginning of each day to plan your schedule based on the priority rankings. This will help you stay organized and focused throughout the day.
Patricia (Riley)’s Answer
Kudos to you for managing a business while attending high school - that's truly remarkable! We all face numerous priorities in life, and with only 24 hours in a day, it can be tough to juggle everything without feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Allow me to share a few insights on this matter:
Firstly, I'd like to emphasize the importance of prioritizing your overall well-being - getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly are crucial for maintaining long-term health, which is the cornerstone of success in all aspects of life. It's easy to overlook self-care when faced with urgent demands, but it's truly essential!
Secondly, I suggest setting aside time each evening to plan out the following day, breaking it down hour by hour if necessary. Creating a handwritten list can be quite helpful - there's something satisfying about ticking off tasks as you complete them! Having a structured plan for each day can improve your time management and efficiency. Don't forget to include some leisure and relaxation time as well.
Thirdly, I recommend dedicating time at the beginning of each week to establish overall goals for the week, and doing the same for the month and even the year. This way, you can continually revisit and adjust your objectives as needed. Life is ever-changing, and it's important to adapt your plans and priorities accordingly. For instance, if participating in a fall sport is important to you, you can focus more on your business during the summer and winter months, and modify your business goals and schedule during the sports season.
I hope you find this advice valuable. Striking the right balance is key, and I wish you great success in all your pursuits!
Firstly, I'd like to emphasize the importance of prioritizing your overall well-being - getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly are crucial for maintaining long-term health, which is the cornerstone of success in all aspects of life. It's easy to overlook self-care when faced with urgent demands, but it's truly essential!
Secondly, I suggest setting aside time each evening to plan out the following day, breaking it down hour by hour if necessary. Creating a handwritten list can be quite helpful - there's something satisfying about ticking off tasks as you complete them! Having a structured plan for each day can improve your time management and efficiency. Don't forget to include some leisure and relaxation time as well.
Thirdly, I recommend dedicating time at the beginning of each week to establish overall goals for the week, and doing the same for the month and even the year. This way, you can continually revisit and adjust your objectives as needed. Life is ever-changing, and it's important to adapt your plans and priorities accordingly. For instance, if participating in a fall sport is important to you, you can focus more on your business during the summer and winter months, and modify your business goals and schedule during the sports season.
I hope you find this advice valuable. Striking the right balance is key, and I wish you great success in all your pursuits!
Katherine Avery
Run a music studio and teach private music lessons; teach college-level religion classes
Spanish Fork, Utah
Katherine’s Answer
Something like this workbook might be helpful: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/content/ldsorg/topics/self-reliance/2017/14678_sgmb_book_eng.pdf?lang=eng