4 answers
After I graduate what should I do?
After I graduate highschool should I immediately go into college if I want to become a neurosurgeon?
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4 answers
Doctorate Student’s Answer
Fully immerse yourself in your passion, and all other elements will naturally align. To make the most of your time and money, consider beginning your educational journey with General Education courses at a Community College, which are frequently offered at no cost. This presents a fantastic chance to uncover the subjects that truly spark your enthusiasm. Keep in mind, a college or career counselor is always ready to help you, their guidance can be a turning point. Here's to your radiant future! Sending you heartfelt wishes of success and happiness on your thrilling adventure!
DAVID’s Answer
To become a neurosurgeon you need to immediately go to college as soon as you graduate from high school ,. This is because any delay in in the house can cause you to forget most basic sciences taught at school. You have many years close to EIGHT or NINE years in both theoretical and practical training at school therefore you need to be focused and be determined to do the job.
Daniel’s Answer
According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes approximately 14 to 16 years to become a neurosurgeon, including pre-med (undergrad) education, medical school, internship and residency. Think about that...if you graduate High School at 18 years of age, you will be between 32 and 34 years of age before you can practice neurosurgery on your own. You will be in a race for all of those years trying to stand out so you are chosen to go on to the next round. Rather than considering any gap between education levels, you should be looking to complete college in three years by loading up on AP and dual enrollment courses that give college and high school credit. That gives you a chance to complete your bachelor degree in less than four years and shorten the time you will have to spend on overall medical education.
Take all of the biology and chemistry classes you can before high school graduation, at the AP level if you can
During your summer between high school and college take college classes that will transfer to your four year university
Seek our medical experience, such as getting an EMT certification and volunteering with your local fire and ambulance company
Dreams change - pursue what you are good at, not what your heart wants, as it is easier to become an expert at what you are already good at.
Pursue your goal, but set times, at two years, four years, after medical school, after internship, to reevaluate your goal of neurosurgery, and be prepared to use what you have already accomplished to gain a career if neurosurgery loses its romantic appeal down the line
Daniel recommends the following next steps:
Ashley’s Answer
I would say go straight to college and keep your passion. It's a long process but the sooner you start the closer you are to your goal!