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How do you start Computer Software/Hardware?

I would to get into the field of Computer Software/Hardware, I have been fixing things like computers and phone which falls into Computer Hardware and learned a little of bit Phyton for Computer Software.

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sandy’s Answer

You're fortunate to have experience in both hardware and software, two distinct paths. Here are a few steps to help you choose the one that suits you best and create a plan to pursue it.

1. Discover Your Passion - If software piques your interest, consider taking an online course on platforms like Udemy or YouTube. Given your experience with Python, I suggest a 5-10 hour course on building an application using Python. This will help you gauge your interest in software. For hardware enthusiasts, I recommend experimenting with the Arduino Uno microcontroller. It's an affordable device I used during my hands-on college course. You can learn the basics on YouTube. If you need help selecting videos, I'd be happy to recommend some!

2. Next Steps - Once you've identified your interest, delve deeper into Yvonne's Answer. She provides a comprehensive breakdown of both paths.

However, the crucial step during my student days was pinpointing my specific interest within hardware or software. Once you identify your preference, you'll realize that both fields are incredibly diverse with numerous subcategories. For instance, software encompasses AI, web applications, and more. Web applications further divide into frontend and backend.

The best piece of advice I can offer is to explore every avenue to find your true passion.
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Richard’s Answer

Computer Hardware (Design or Repair) and Computer Software are distinct fields, each with its unique challenges. It's essential to choose one to concentrate on, as mastering both can be quite demanding. You can explore Computer Engineering for Hardware and Computer Science for Software. Consider enrolling in a few classes in each field to discover where your passion lies. Computer Science is often perceived as more challenging because it delves deeper into theory, abstractions, and mathematics.

In earlier times, self-learning was a feasible route into either field, but such opportunities are becoming less frequent as the number of trained professionals has balanced out with the demand. Embarking on a journey to earn a degree in either of these fields can open doors to higher earnings and a wealth of opportunities.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I am glad to hear that you are interest in computer hardware. I would recommend you to take the computer engineering course in the college. In addition to hardware, you will learn some programming languages as well.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Explore the college review on offering computer engineering course and find the entry criteria
2. Work hard to ensure your academic result can meet the entry criteria
3. Find out the syntax and structure of some simple programming languages, e.g. python, etc. There are plenty of resources online
4. Start doing some simple programming yourself. You can also do some small projects, e.g. control a robotic arm, toy car, etc.
5. You can learn another after familiar with the programming language
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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Yvonne’s Answer

Embarking on a career in computer software and hardware is a thrilling and fulfilling adventure. Here are some uplifting steps to guide you on your path:

**For Computer Hardware:**

1. **Practical Experience Building**: Keep repairing computers and interacting with hardware. Enhance your hands-on skills by constructing and deconstructing computers, enhancing components, and solving hardware problems.

2. **Pursue Formal Education**: Think about obtaining a degree or certification in computer hardware, information technology, or a similar field. Certificates like CompTIA A+ can be beneficial for hardware technicians.

3. **Stay Updated**: Stay abreast of the newest hardware trends and technologies by perusing tech blogs, magazines, and forums. Grasping the latest hardware innovations is vital.

4. **Professional Networking**: Engage with industry professionals. Participate in tech meetups, conferences, or online forums to establish a network and learn from peers in the field.

5. **Seek Entry-Level Jobs or Internships**: Search for entry-level roles like IT support technician, computer technician, or hardware technician. Internships can offer valuable on-the-job training.

**For Computer Software:**

1. **Programming Skills Development**: Keep honing your Python skills and delve into other programming languages frequently used in software development, like Java, C++, or JavaScript.

2. **Online Courses and Tutorials**: Leverage online resources such as Codecademy, Coursera, edX, or Khan Academy to broaden your programming expertise.

3. **Personal Projects Initiation**: Start your software projects. Begin with small programs and progressively tackle more intricate projects to build a portfolio.

4. **Version Control Mastery**: Learn to utilize version control systems like Git, which are indispensable for cooperative software development.

5. **Open Source Contributions**: Contribute to open-source projects on platforms such as GitHub. It's an excellent way to acquire experience and collaborate with other developers.

6. **Coding Challenges Participation**: Engage in coding challenges and contests like LeetCode or HackerRank to enhance your problem-solving abilities.

7. **Formal Education Pursuit**: While not always mandatory, a computer science or software engineering degree can unlock more opportunities and provide a robust foundation.

8. **Portfolio Creation**: Display your projects on a personal website or portfolio platform. Share your code and detail your contributions.

9. **Networking**: Join developer meetups, conferences, and online forums to network with professionals in the software industry. Networking can lead to job opportunities.

10. **Seek Junior Developer Positions**: Search for junior or entry-level software developer roles to jumpstart your career. Customize your resume and cover letter to spotlight your skills and projects.

Remember, the computer hardware and software sectors are expansive, with countless specializations to discover, such as cybersecurity, network administration, data analysis, or web development. Constant learning, creation, and networking will be crucial as you chase a career in this dynamic and perpetually evolving industry.
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Dan’s Answer

Computer Engineering is a mix of hardware and software so it allows your career to include either one or both. Computer Science is primarily software but there is still potential to work with hardware although not as deeply as with the Computer Engineering degree.

I will focus my answer on self-learning options because technology is always changing and self-learning throughout your career will be extremely important to you.

For Computer Engineering, there is the Arduino Uno microcontroller which is used to control devices such as sensors, motors, and lights. It is inexpensive, priced at $3 from Aliexpress and $27 from the official Arduino store in the USA. You can also buy a small kit of support parts for about $10 to $25. You can do a Google search for “Arduino Projects” to see the extensive amounts of ideas, projects, help, and examples that are available free on the internet. All you have to do is pick a fun looking example and try it out – learning comes naturally! Note that there are also other versions of the Arduino Uno such as the Arduino Mega, Arduino Nano and the newest Arduino Uno Rev 4 (currently sold only in the USA).

For Computer Science, there is the Raspberry PI family of computer boards which are more of an actual computer than a microcontroller (I use one as a backup computer with internet browser). The Raspberry PI Model 4 and Model 3 are priced between $35 and $80 depending on the amount of memory (but you will not find any decent discounts at Aliexpress). The Raspberry PI Zero 2 W is priced at $15 and can do almost everything the same as the Raspberry PI Model 3 although it isn’t as powerful. In both cases, you will also need a power supply, cables, monitor, keyboard and mouse, depending on what you are doing with it. Like above, do a Google search for “Raspberry Pi projects” to see the vast amounts of ideas and free help examples.

I would suggest you start working with one (or both) of the above boards. The concepts and the skills that you learn will apply to your university classes and eventually to your career. And they are a lot of fun!
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Prapti’s Answer

Embarking on a journey in the Computer Software/Hardware domain is thrilling, and it's fantastic that you've already dipped your toes into both the hardware and software aspects! Kudos to all the advice given above, and here are a few additional nuggets to guide you!

There are several pivotal steps to set you on the right path:
1. Pick your lane - find a niche within software or hardware that sparks your interest! For instance, in software, you could delve into data science or web development.
2. Master the fundamentals - it's commendable that you've been dabbling in Python, but it's equally important to establish a robust foundation by understanding key concepts, not just the programming language. Python is a great starting point for beginners, and even basic JavaScript can be quite accessible!
3. Practice makes perfect - strive to solve problems, construct your own application, and utilize resources like Stack Overflow and Documentation to aid in your creation! A significant aspect of both Software and Hardware is a commitment to constant learning and practice, given their swift evolution and change. Stay informed about the latest trends and remain flexible!
4. Explore guided learning - this could be through a formal degree program or online courses and tutorials!

Here's hoping this advice propels you forward on your exciting journey!