What are people willing to go through and sacrifice in order to achieve their future goals?
People usually only think of the end point of whatever goal they make. For example: Let's say Lisa wants to lose weight but all she is thinking about is what she'll look like after the weight loss, she isn't actually thinking about all the dieting and exercises she will need to do in order to achieve that. So, once she starts her journey, she ends up quitting because she did not think about the struggles she needs to go through in order to reach her goal.
#goals #future
4 answers
Karen A.’s Answer

Steward "Tony" Pacheco
Steward "Tony"’s Answer
John bought a home which was his dream home. He was happy but, in his yard, there was a huge tree blocking his view, so he went and bought a huge axe with hopes of chopping it down quickly. He picked up his axe in the morning and started whacking that tree several times, Whack! Whack! Whack! about thirty times and nothing happened. He started again and Whack! Whack! Whack! several times, still with nothing to show for his sweat and pain.
By this time all the neighbors came out to see Johns show of anxious effort with minimal results. Fortunately, Johns father just happened to come up for a visit and stood with the crowd watching his son give up and toss the axe on the ground. Hey, my son, John's dad yelled. "Nice effort but you should take your time" John was too tired and impatient. He then told his father that he will just have to live with that stupid tree blocking his view.
Johns' dad then told him "Son, I'll give you a housewarming gift and chop that tree down for you" John replied with a chuckle"Dad. if I can't do it, you surely can't do it!
Johns' dad laughed and then blurted " I'll come by every day and make a few cuts and it will come down. My gift to you"
The next morning, John was shaving his face when he heard Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! out his window and saw his dad, put the axe down and walk away. The day after John again heard Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! and saw his dad put down the axe and walk away.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack! The next day and the day after that and the day after that until one month later, the neighborhood heard TIMBERRRRRRR! then a load CRASH!!!!
John ran out and looked at his dad with eyes of appreciation. His dad smiled back and said "You see my son, just five whacks a day, every day, no matter what, and your tree eventually fell. If you can commit to the venture long term and not make the venture commit to you short term, your results will always be achieved."

Diana’s Answer
I like to focus on what my future self will look and feel like. Why does Lisa really want to lose weight? How will her future self feel? Will she be happier and feel better? And then ask, what if I never lose the weight? What will my future self look and feel like if nothing ever changes? Thinking about the pain of never changing or the freedom of making the change can really be helpful. Also, just baby steps. Don't worry if you don't get to the gym every day for an hour. If you go for a walk 3x a week at first, add more water, and take away something small that you know would make a difference. I think most people "fail" because they try to take an "all or nothing" approach which just isnt necessary. Lighten up on yourself too! Practice the mantra "Why is it so fun for me to lose weight" Repeat that as soon as you wake up and all day everyday. Sounds too easy but once you start focusing your mind on possibility rather than all the reasons why its so "hard", your mind starts shifting and the daily "actions" become easier! Hope that helps <3
Diana recommends the following next steps:

Steward "Tony" Pacheco
Steward "Tony"’s Answer
Once you have that particular goal in mind, do some research on others who have had success in achieving that particular goal (Personal Development)
Once you have researched a few successful people with varying ideas and processes, compile and select only five of those processes/ideas! (crawl>walk>run)
Write them down everywhere, place on your calendar and set your clock to every night 30 minutes before bed time, a reminder to complete the "FIVE"!!
You MUST COMMIT to doing these five line items every day, without fail!
As you perform these duties, continue to study others as now you have a practice, and now you are successful, as you are following a practice.
Eventually you will reach your goal or a point to fix and refine your goal, but you will never stop achieving your FIVE. Making you successful, which does wonders for commitment.
Remember! You can't motivate a non-doer, because you would only have created a motivated non-doer! and we know where that leads