What is the Best Road to Success in the Educational Field?
The Educational Field has attracted me significantly ever since I was young. I love the idea of giving children knowledge in a fun and dynamic classroom environment. I even would dream (and still dream) about starting my own school! I know everyone has to start small in order to achieve big heights, so I am working toward my Bachelor Degree in Liberal Arts and credentials as an elementary school teacher starting this fall. What is a good career path to financial success and success in community outreach for the this particular field? #k-12-education #educational-leadership #teaching #career-path #education-management #career-planning
6 answers
Anna’s Answer
Starting your own school is an exciting dream and one I'd encourage you to pursue. To that end, seek internships and work at such schools - independently run, or at least alternative to the state system. At the same time, I'd imagine you will be required to do some practicum at a state-run school. As a parent and educator who moved from Europe to the US, Georgia in particular, I see a lot of room here for private/charter schools, kindergartens, pre-schools, parent-teacher cooperative schools, democratic schools, etc. In California it might be different, but in Georgia the education landscape is pretty stale, with exceptions that can easily be counted. My son attended for a short time the only preschool in my area that had a vision and curriculum that I felt comfortable with - West Marietta Cooperative Preschool - i.e. with lots of respect for the kids, lots of freedom for them, lots of optional parental involvement, and lots of outdoor time. I guess what I am trying to say is that there seems to be lots of opportunities for you to realize your dream, so don't be discouraged to pursue it.
Joan’s Answer
I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way and because of that I’ve been teaching for 28 years as a sixth grade Literature teacher.
Let me ask you a seemingly simple question that every paraprofessional/student teacher has asked me. How do I know I really want to be a teacher? The answer is very simple; you have to like and enjoy being around children. Sounds silly, but I’ll bet you can think of some teachers you’ve had that really don’t like their students; sadly.
If you answered yes, then your path is relatively straightforward according to the state in which you obtain your certification. These requirements for states are not always interchangeable. Go to a college in the state that you are going to be teaching in for the long haul.
After getting your student teaching and other required classes completed, research school districts for educational beliefs that you are committed to and aligned yourself with those schools.
Unfortunately teachers don’t go into education to become millionaires. You will continue to educate yourself even after gaining a contract relative to the district you pick to work in. You could go on to get a Masters in administration (referred to as principal papers) or even curriculum leader or superintendent of schools, but I have to warn you...the trade off for more money takes you farther away with direct contact with children which is the most important aspect to most teachers.
I like the idea of starting your own school, but remember that would involve serious educational goals, understanding of curriculum and pedagogy, staffing, funds, advertising, and offering classes for students with disabilities or on the other end, talented learners just to name a few considerations.
Research your dream. If you still feel determined then I would say, “Welcome to the rewarding field of education.” As I’m almost at the end of my career I’m so glad that enthusiastic teachers like yourself are becoming ready to take my place! Good luck!❤️
Beth’s Answer
Hi, I would say to study hard in school and connect with counselors and teachers, librarians are best resources. Along with volunteering, trying to get into babysitting, skills as babysitter, CPR/first aid skills, tutoring or mentoring skills, talk to people in the field, help with school events or charities, research and reading to reach goals. Plus, strive for above average grades is the best way pursue a way to educational field, college or universities, work experience with children are best possible ways into the field.
I helped out with disability students growing up in school and helped school events plus studies hard and worked for good grades, set goals, was mentor, worked many types of school jobs, PTO, to pursue in the educational field.

Charles Freeman, MSA
Charles’s Answer
The Educational Field can be very challenging, but you seem to have the right desire and passion for the field. If you do not have an undergraduate degree in education or a specific subject area, i.e. English, Math, Science, History; you will need an advanced degree. I would begin researching colleges and universities, in order to find the best program to obtain a teaching certification. Additionally, network and seek internships that will allow you to gain experience.