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How do you stay productive?

I want to enjoy task.

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12 answers

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Paul’s Answer

I utilize something called the "Van Aaken Method" which basically uses periods of reading and study, and taking breaks that refreshes and rests the mind.

Van Aaken, and later others, reasoned that the brain can only process information for about 20 to 25 minutes, then a pause is required to rest and re-energize the mind and body, so that it can continue for a long term, without getting fatigued.

If you attempt to read a book for an hour, you will realize that you van only remember the first portion of what you read. The brain basically got fatigued, and failed to process the last half you read.

So, study and read for 20 to 25 minutes, and then take a break for 5 or 10 minutes. This interval method will assist in keeping you focused, and maintain your interest, without causing fatigue, and will help you to retain more information in the long term.
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Jade’s Answer

Hi Emrie,

Good question! It can be very difficult to stay on task and be productive throughout the day or week. For me, I prioritize my overarching goals or what I need to accomplish for the day/week. From there, I work backward to ensure that the tasks or meetings I am doing align with my goals for the day/week; this helps me ensure that the tasks I am doing align with my ultimate goals.

From a scheduling perspective, I try to keep my calendar very up to date and color code what is a priority or just busy work. At the end of the day, look back at what you did and see if your tasks or activities aligned with your goals -- you will be surprised how much doesn't! From there, adjust and you will find yourself throughout the day thinking if the things you are doing align with your goals.

....and I side note, keep your phone upside down or away from you when you are working on something goal-oriented, that way you won't get distracted by notifications, etc.
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Srijan Kumar’s Answer

Greetings! To truly thrive in productivity, it's essential to find joy and passion in your work. While it's simpler to say than to implement, it's a crucial step. Embrace a mindset that is eager to learn and open to tackling challenges. Remember, every new skill requires time to master, but once you've got the hang of it, your productivity, efficiency, and intelligence in execution will soar. Always look for smarter ways to accomplish tasks, particularly by harnessing the power of modern AI technology to streamline repetitive tasks. Delving into AI can significantly boost your efficiency once you get to grips with it. Here's to your success!
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Samuel’s Answer

Here's a strategy I've found effective when dealing with challenging tasks: divide and conquer. Break down your main task into smaller, manageable parts. This makes the task seem less daunting.

Next, adopt a sprint approach. Focus on completing one small task at a time, ideally within 45 minutes. After each sprint, take a 5-minute break before diving back in. This could be to finish up the current task or to start a new one.

Finally, create a conducive work environment. If like me, you find total silence distracting, consider having some background noise. This could be your favorite music or a light TV show. It helps keep the silence at bay and enhances your productivity.
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Ezra’s Answer


Everyone possesses unique strategies for boosting their productivity, and it's fundamentally about personal discipline. I used to grapple with maintaining productivity, frequently finding myself sidetracked by my phone and my surroundings. To counter this, I now keep my phone in a different room, ensuring it's out of sight while I'm focusing on my tasks. Additionally, I seek out a quiet, isolated space with minimal distractions to work in. These strategies have proven to be the most effective for me, and I hope they can be beneficial for you too.
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Janice’s Answer

Motivation comes from within. Therefore it is very important to know your passion and your purpose. Think about what drives you to be yourself daily. Understand your strengths and opportunities. Sometimes if you feel inadequate in an area of your job or personal responsibilities, sometimes you will procrastinate because you don't know how to push forward. I believe once tap into your purpose and passion you would that thing, even for free...
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Wayne’s Answer

Hello Emrie,

Achieving success often requires a good dose of productivity. So, let's focus on boosting your productivity levels, which will pave the way for your success. And don't worry, once you've mastered being productive, there will be plenty of time for fun!

Here are some friendly tips to help you stay productive and free up some time for those activities you love but rarely get a chance to do:

1. **Embrace your calendar:** Your journey to enhanced productivity starts with a well-organized calendar. Whether it's online or physical, use a calendar or planner to manage your time. Factor in your classes, commitments, and even travel time to and from places.

2. **Create a to-do list:** Regularly, perhaps once a week, jot down everything you need to do and estimate how long each task will take. It might be challenging initially, especially when it comes to studying or writing assignments, but with time, you'll get the hang of it.

3. **Prioritize and strategize:** Arrange your tasks according to their urgency, then allocate specific time slots for each on your calendar. Consider when you're most productive - if you're a morning person, schedule demanding tasks for the morning, leaving afternoons and evenings for errands or chores.

4. **Limit distractions:** Now that you have a plan, it's time to focus. Find a quiet place to study or work, away from the distractions of your room or apartment. Consider turning off your phone or setting a timer to maintain focus, rewarding yourself with a short break when the timer rings.

5. **Listen to your body:** If you find yourself stuck on a task, take a break. A short walk, a snack, a stretch, or a chat with a friend can help recharge your batteries. Then, you can return to your task with a fresh perspective.

6. **Bundle your tasks:** If you find you have several errands to run or activities to complete, try to do them all at once rather than leaving them to the last minute. This approach can save you time and boost your productivity.

7. **Multitask wisely:** Multitasking can be beneficial when done right. Pair a task that requires mental effort with one that doesn't. For instance, you could fold laundry while chatting with your parents or listen to a lecture while taking a walk.

8. **Take care of yourself:** Remember, your productivity levels are highest when you're well-rested and well-nourished. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and make time for exercise and stress management activities like yoga or meditation. Although self-care might seem time-consuming, it ultimately helps you stay focused and get more done.

9. **Seek help when needed:** Don't forget to utilize the resources available to you. Your school's counselors, tutoring center, and writing center are there to support you. If you're finding it hard to keep up, don't hesitate to ask for help.

Best of luck on your productivity journey, Emrie!
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Vikesh’s Answer

To stay productive, I suggest you prioritize your tasks and create a schedule for the day.

Also, take breaks between tasks to avoid burnout and maintain focus. Additionally, You can try to eliminate distractions and stay organized to ensure you work efficiently.
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Joana’s Answer

Hello Emrie,

One effective method I've discovered is to maintain a system of note-taking, and then categorizing these notes using different colored stickers. This visual aid can help you identify which tasks need to be addressed first. From there, you can decide which tasks are crucial or urgent, and allocate a specific time slot to accomplish each task - essentially creating a schedule.

Throughout this process, don't hesitate to ask for help when needed. While it's important to dedicate the necessary time to complete each task, it's equally important not to get bogged down with sections you're finding difficult. This can lead to unnecessary frustration.

Lastly, always take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate every accomplishment, regardless of its size. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating.
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Rajeene’s Answer

Hello Emrie! Maintaining motivation while studying can sometimes feel like a hurdle, especially when the subject isn't one you're particularly fond of. However, there's a simple solution: break down your study time into manageable chunks. This makes the process far less daunting and much easier to handle.

Try to find a connection between what you're studying and something you encounter or enjoy in your daily life. This can make the subject more relatable and interesting. For instance, if you're studying Accounting, which can be challenging for some, relate it to something you love like finance, money management, or even shopping. Finding this common ground can make the subject more appealing and keep you motivated.

Remember to take short breaks too. During these breaks, engage in activities that relax your mind like reading a book, listening to your favorite music, or any other hobby that you enjoy. This will not only refresh your mind but also prepare you for the next study session.

Keep going, Emrie! You're doing great and I'm confident that you'll conquer any challenges that come your way. Good luck!
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Carolina’s Answer

Hello Emrie! When it comes to being productive, it's all too easy to be our own harshest critics. We often overlook the good we've achieved on days we consider "less productive". I completely concur with the other responses and suggest implementing their strategies. I'm a fan of keeping things simple. For instance, if I know I have certain tasks that need to be tackled or initiated on a specific day (like tomorrow), I'll jot them down in advance, including an estimated time for each task. This way, I can gauge whether I've met my goals and used my time effectively by a certain time (say, 1 PM). If I lag behind, I know it's time to buckle down and concentrate, or remove any distractions around me. Another thing that fuels my motivation is recording all my daily achievements and the time they took. This allows me to measure exactly what I've accomplished on any given work day. By maintaining this record, you can start figuring out what habits are helpful or not. I've found immense motivation in having a tangible record of all my achievements and daily tasks.
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Michel’s Answer

Being productive can be challenging. I think one of the most important tips to help with productivity is making sure that you are in an environment that allows you to study. If your study space is cramped or has a lot of distractions changing that can be one of the most helpful things that you can do to increase productivity. Like all things productivity requires practice. Tomorrow you are not going to bust out a 10 hour study day, but working up the tolerance for studying can be very helpful. So take 30 minutes of studying and take a 5 minute break and continue until you are done with the studying that you needed to do. It takes practice, but over time you will get better and be more satisfied with your studying if you keep working at it.