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Michel Davis’s Avatar

Michel Davis

Medical student
Production Occupations - Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Cranston, Rhode Island
171 Answers
115745 Reads
2001 Karma


Citizen Patrol

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Emrie’s Avatar
Emrie Jan 28 783 views

How do you stay productive?

I want to enjoy task.

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 29 670 views

Help! I’m stuck between Med-School and Law, what do I go for?

I’m a freshman in high school, my GPA is 3.96 and straight A’s. I’m in a Medical Careers club and a Mock Trial club at my high school. This weekend I was in a Mock Trial as the defendant’s attorney in criminal proceedings(aggravated assault and battery charges for juvenile male, 17 tried as an...

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Jan 30 553 views

What should I do Psychiatrist or an Architective Teacher?

I'm stuck in the middle of these two career paths and I'm trying to figure out which one is better cause a (P) pays better and the pay of going to college and working pays itself. On the other hand (AT) doesn't and takes 10 years to graduate and doesn't pay for it's self.

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Jan 31 540 views

I want to go to have a major in doctors but a minor in photography would that be possible or would I have to chose one or the other?

I am in 8th grade going into 9th and I just want to think ahead

Arsema’s Avatar
Arsema Jan 31 505 views

Would it be better for me to take AP or IB if I want to be a pediatrician?

I am currently a freshman taking an IB course, but I have the opportunity to switch to AP. However, if I choose AP, I would need to take Latin. Unfortunately, my school does not offer many AP courses that align with my intended major, with the exception of Biology. The available AP courses...

Larry’s Avatar
Larry Feb 01 800 views

Why is College important ?

I have been contemplating about pursuing higher education and have a lot of questions about college. I am curious about the application process, the different majors and programs offered, the types of financial aid available, the campus life, and the career prospects after graduation.

tamar’s Avatar
tamar Jan 13 716 views

What are some activities, study skills, and internships college freshmen can start implementing to maximize their chances of getting into med school?

I'm really into oncology and research but love working in clinical atmospheres.

Aliah’s Avatar
Aliah Jan 15 1086 views

How much do you have to do around your school to be accepted?

Like how do you make sure to get into a medical college? I have a 4.0 average so far into my 7th grade year. I want to know what courses I should take in High School to be sure to get into medical college.

Joy’s Avatar
Joy Dec 25, 2023 963 views

What is essential for successfully choosing a career in medicine?

I've always wanted to pursue a career in medicine and that has not changed. But, I want to create a life for myself where I'm financially stable and happy. So, how do you choose a career that makes enough to support your lifestyle while maintaining a happy life.

Josephine’s Avatar
Josephine Jan 17 506 views

What are the requirements to get into medical school and how long it would take to meet those requirements and how long medical school would take. I want to do plastic surgery. ?

I am 15 and in 9th grade and I would like to go to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. I live in Missouri now.

Brooklyn’s Avatar
Brooklyn Jan 17 461 views

What should I take into consideration when trying to decided to be a family Medical Physician or an Athletic Trainer?

I was wondering what I should take into consideration because I am trying to figure out which career would suit me best.

Heaven’s Avatar
Heaven Jan 17 539 views

What are the first steps to becoming a psychiatrist?

I'm looking into becoming a psychiatrist and was wondering what steps I should take.

Heaven’s Avatar
Heaven Jan 17 723 views

What are the drawbacks of being a Psychiatrist?

I'm looking into becoming a Psychiatrist and was wondering what the drawbacks are.

Prathiv’s Avatar
Prathiv Jan 19 848 views

I have a low GPA as a freshman, how would that affect my application to colleges?

I’ve newly joined a high school freshman year, straight after moving internationally. But while adjusting, I realized my GPA is terrible for what my aspirations are. It’s a 3.76 unweighted and I’m nervous it’ll affect my application to college in the long run. Any idea how I can help it?

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Jan 19 2261 views

What should I do if I have no clue what I want to do with my life?

Im a senior in high school and don't know what to do after I graduate.