What qualifications it takes to become an architect?
To influence my decision into going in a career in architecture by providing me more knowledge of what an architect do. Thanks for reading my question.
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24 answers
Lara’s Answer
The long answer is to become an Architect requires a 5 year Bachelor's Degree or a Master's Degree in Architecture. Once you have obtained your degree, you will need to complete the Intern Development Program (takes about 3 years) and then pass 6 licensing exams. Check out ncarb.org to get more information regarding what it takes to become an Architect in regards to the intern hours and tests.
The short answer is a passion for the field, design, and constantly learning in an ever changing career with endless possibilities. An architect starts out in the field as a drafter learning about how construction documents and details are created. As you learn more and gain experience you start to manage projects, attend construction meetings, and lead teams. Further along in your career, you may have more of a marketing focus to bring new clients/projects into your firm and head the design aesthetic of your firm.
Bill’s Answer
Jackie's answer above looks very scary and hard to do. It is a process that seems long and arduous, but it moves along very quickly.
There are other colleges you may look into other than the conventional paths that Jackie explained. I graduated with BArch from Boston Architectural College where you work in the field of architecture while attending school, work is part of the curriculum because believe it or not you learn every day in an architectural office.
What do architects do? That is one loaded question. I believe that we are problem solvers. Every day I need to design or redesign a piece of a building or maybe the whole project. There are large firms of 50 or more employees that typically take on large jobs. These firms will have every level of experienced architectural staff and possibly other disciplines such as structural, electrical, and mechanical engineers. The smaller firms typically take on smaller jobs and may not have any engineers on board.
Like with many professions there is no one job description for an architect. There are owners of firms who mainly deal with the business of running the firm and don't stay involved with building design they leave it up to their staff. Some architects, like myself, wear many hats. I meet with clients and building officials, visit job sites, do conceptual designs, coordinate with engineers, complete construction drawings, run an office, and sweep up in the evenings.
It is an exciting profession. I hope this has helped. If you have more questions please feel free to ask.
Yohannes’s Answer
Johnny’s Answer
Hello Kira! Architecture is a wonderful career it makes you fly and crate things that are only in your mind, of course with other professionals help such as engineers, contractors, together we solve a problem and give shape to function. In a big or small scale, we have the responsibility to change people's life for good, we define the way they are going to live, work, etc.
The qualifications I think someone needs in order to become a architect are:
A lot of imagination
Make a difference
Have the sensitivity and respect for your ideas and others
Always respect the environment
You don't need to be an artist but is important to have the hability to express your ideas by hand
Always use the ethics well that is in any career
Passion and compromise (I personally loved to sleep) but when I started studying architecture I had to sacrifice that, but, you know? 100% worth it because I loved what I was doing and I'm still in love with what I do and that is priceless
Every professional is different and maybe some others can give you some other advice... I hope you enjoy the career and feel as passionate about it as many of us who love to define our world with our pencil!
Nour’s Answer
Architects used to draft construction documents by hand, which required individuals to have some skill in sketching and drawing. However, in the modern age of design, it is required for the aspiring architect to simply know how to turn on a computer and save files, as drafting has become more digital and efficient. Other qualifications you need to get into the field of Architecture, is to have the ability to learn new things, be open-minded to perspectives outside of your own, and have an eye for art and a vision being the possible. Curiosity is the most useful tool you can have when it comes to any field in education; but when an aspiring architect is enthusiastic about new possibilities, he/she opens new doors for even more possibilities. When you're open to new perspectives, you'll be able to expand your mind to think of creative solutions to solve problems that can and may arise in the field or on a worksite.
Josh’s Answer
-Within our field there are different professional roles. Some people choose to be licensed Architects while others choose to be "designers."
-Education can consist of a 5-year Bachelors program, or a 3-year Masters program. You can also obtain a Bachelors of science degree or an associates degree in drafting. There are paths to becoming a licensed architect for each of these education choices.
- Think of a licensed Architect like a doctor, and a drafter or designer as a Nurse.
-If you are in high school now its the best time to start! Draw every day, make models, use Lego (I still use them) and start learning programs like Sketchup, Revit, InDesign, Photoshop. Read as much as you can, not just about architecture and design, but all subjects. Communication is very important in our field, so the more you are able to read and write effectively, the better!
-Architecture is a really amazing profession with a wide range of possibilities. It requires you to balance creativity with applied science which is challenging, but immensely rewarding.
Sierra’s Answer
Creating space in our world is a beautiful career path that combines may different skills. You get to mix problem solving, creativity, science and engineering, relationship building, business and fun!
To become a professional Architect you will need to complete an Architecture degree at a University. Most practicing Architects have both a Bachelor and a Master degree. This is because in the United States you will have become legally licensed to call yourself an Architect, and sign off on construction drawings.
It could be possible for you to begin working with just your Bachelor, and/or work part-time / intern while you complete your Master's degree.
To find your perfect program you may want to get clear on what you like about Architecture, as you can specialize in different ways. Some Architects are more focused on the visual design or concept and others are more focused on the technical side.
You may also want to begin looking around and seeing what types of buildings you like and why.
What do you dream about designing? Single family homes? Sky scrapers? Museums? Etc.?
Do you like modern buildings, old buildings with modern renovation, or historical preservation?
What about a building feels good to you when you see it from outside, and when you're inside?
Sierra recommends the following next steps:
Eric’s Answer
First, let me say you can do anything you put your mind too and don't ever let anyone say or try to hold you back.
Secondly, you don't have to have a 5 year degree, I didn't and most of my Architect friends didn't either and nor do you have to intern for 3 years. Now, depending on what state you want to practice in there will be a minimum of 5 exams to receive your license. A master's degree will only help if you want to teach college some day. It doesn't necessarily mean you will earn more money or that you gain more adept ability in Architecture.
Thirdly, if you are seriously about a career as an Architect - (Design of structures) there is a must first step in the evolution of this career. I speak of this from my own experience and the way I went about it. The fact is that 9 out of 10 Architects cannot build what they design. Now I know I am not going to be liked for that statement, but it's fact! In my 30 years plus Construction / Architecture experience I have met only a hand full of Architects, like myself, who can actually take their design to a vacant lot and have the hands-on physically knowledge of how to build that structure-even to the point of operating all the equipment to do so. Think about this, if a Carpentry Superintendent ask you a question on how to build that detail would it not make better sense to actually know how to build that detail because you have built one your self instead of having book theory knowledge-the simple answer is YES! Just meditate on this.
Finally, since the dawn of time there has been such a great gulf separating Contractors and Architects because they don't see eye-to-eye and criticize each other too intensely. We need more Architects who, first know of how to build thus making their designs actually make sense in the field then use their design knowledge when developing designs. I would suggest that you look into a building trades course prior to a School for Architecture and use your creative mind in that first then take that hands-on building practices into Architecture and you will be 10 steps ahead of everyone else in your class.
Hope this helps and good luck. YOU GO THIS!
Victor’s Answer
As an Architect you are a creator, which is what inspires people the most to get into the profession. Being given the will power to imagine, and visualize in your mind's eye, bringing such imagination to reality is just awesome!
As an Architect, your creation could be in the form a building, an object, a landscape etc. This depends on the branch of Architecture you're willing to specialise in.
As an Architect, you have the ability to also ensure that your creation is effectively brought into reality through adequate supervision.
In order to bring your creation to reality, an Architect has to coordinate, and align with other professionals (allied), such as: structural engineer, mechanical engineer etc.
As an Architect you also have to ensure that your creation stands the test of time by carrying out adequate maintenance through your creations lifecycle.
I hope this write up inspires every reader, thanks.
Dinesh’s Answer
These professionals should know how to explain their work to those outside of their field and communicate effectively with other information technology specialists in their company.
Information technology architects develop essential hard skills through education, training, and experience. Technical skills in systems architecture, virtualization, and cloud computing accompany security and infrastructure knowledge. Security, one of these professionals' key duties, requires an understanding of computer systems, structures, and applications. Information technology architects also need managerial skills to prioritize and allocate needs and resources.
Architect Responsibilities:
Meeting with clients and determining their needs and requirements.
Managing design projects from concept development through to completion.
Developing and presenting project proposals.
Adjusting designs and plans to meet the client's needs.
Preparing drawings, blueprints, specifications and construction documents.
Conducting research and compiling reports on feasibility and environmental impact.
Complying with safety standards and local planning regulations.
Determining and adhering to budgets and timelines.
Managing project teams and collaborating with other construction professionals.
Pete’s Answer
In Texas, to become a registered professional architect, and individual is required to obtain an architectural degree from a National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) accredited university, complete the Internship Development Program (IDP) and pass the state Architect Registration Exam (ARE).
Someone who is interested in maybe becoming an architect should start by speaking to a school counselor. If being an architect is the individual's desire, then a suggestion is to call an architectural office and ask if they may visit it for a day to shadow and see what architects do. If it is a career interest, a high school student may try to get a summer job at an architect's office. This further exposure will help an individual know more of the workings in an architectural office and if they want to pursue an educational program at a university. Continued summer work at an architect's office will help the student learn further about the practice. After graduation, the student's resume will be better read if it shows some part-time work at architectural offices.
Dario’s Answer
I think being an architect is an amazing adventure that never ends.
Frank’s Answer
Frank recommends the following next steps:
Janhavi’s Answer
To be an architect you first need to have a passion to make change into the world with your just a little contribution.
It is a passion full and very interesting career which allows you to use all of your cretive thoughts. Architect thinks about community’s welfare. A responsible architect can help city to grow in such a way to achieve healthier life style and happy communities.
According to my understading toward architecture field, I think architect needs to be a person with thoughtful and creative mind. However, those creative ideas should have a practical approach because a design without pratical approach can not be worked out.
Moreover, Architecture needs little bit of understanding towards structural things. So having little bit interest towards calculations and mathematics will definitely be helpful.
I hope this will be helpful. All the best..!!!
Mikael’s Answer
As someone that has been in the architecture game for quite some time, I advise that you come to the realization that architecture, and all of its related field, is something that you want to do more than anything else. It's work, but only if you don't enjoy doing it.
You will obviously need college but more importantly a college with an accredited program, and typically it will be a 5-Yr program culminating in a "Bachelors of Architecture" degree.
Then a period of time working under a registered architect who supervises your work and education leading to being qualified to sit for the Architectural Licensing Exam. Once you pass that you are a licensed Architect in the state you took the exam in.
From there the sky's the limit, as they say.
I am license in all of the States but Alaska, and I've done various projects in all of them. So you are ambition is your only limitation.
Aleksandra’s Answer
was working on a contract base in Management of H.H. Sheikh Sultan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan;
Did the projects for Mubadala, H.H. SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN ALI BIN RASHED AL NUAIMI, win design tender (interior design renovation) for the Qasr al Hosn
13 years in architecture, interior design, graphic design.
I am good in such computer programs as: SketchUp, Lumion, Revit, AutoCAD, 3dsMax, ArchiCAD, Indesign, PhotoShop, CorelDraw.
I do have strong experience in marketing of companies and campains, rebranding, promotion.
I hold a membership in Union of Architects in Russia.
Experienced working in government of Russia in the field of Architecture management.
Self-motivated, had open and operated ,y own business.
I am very much interested in joining your prestigious company since I find that I could be an asset by providing my knowledge and skills. You will find attached my resume and samples of work.
You can check samples of work at instagram:
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