Career questions tagged architecture-and-planning

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Gabby347 views

What should I become a planner, interior designer, or architect?

I'm in 8th grade and I have a passion for art, design, and creating spaces. Urban planning is the most interesting to me, but I'm not sure about the political side of it. Interior design also is fascinating, but I would if I'm not creative enough. Lastly, I love architecture but I am not the best at math and I wonder what daily work is like. Any other career ideas? I know I want to go into those kind of field areas. Perheaps a civil engineer? This is stressful..

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Aris414 views

In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of working in this field ?

I am a high school student doing career research on becoming an architect, even a post secondary teacher.

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Naziyat783 views

What should I learn and do if I want to be an Architect?

My father is an mechanic engineer. He encourages be to be an architect. But the main thing is that I like architecture a lot and I am practicing sketch, buildings and perspective. I want to know the things I should learn about architecture and which will help me in the future.

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Bryson1655 views

Do civil engineers enjoy their job?

Is it also worth majoring in civil engineering if you want to major in engineering as it pays a lot less than the other choices? I want to do architecture based building with homes and residential properties, but some people have said civil engineering is a better pathway to get to this although I have also heard that civil engineering can tend to be very boring and people end up building a lot of boring infrastructures like bridges, roads, and hangers. What do you think?

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Tasnim452 views

How can I work online and gain experience and money from home, especially in fields like visual art, design, social media, and business?

How can I work online and gain experience and money from home, especially in fields like visual art, design, social media, and business?

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Kate1071 views

How achievable is it to open up my own architecture firm?

I am a woman who plans on being a licensed architect with a Master's degree, and also plans to have a home and children. How difficult would it be to open my own firm? How will debt come in to the equation, and how long would it take? #architecture #architect #architecture-and-planning #math #physics #mathematical-physics

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Audra8904 views

What minor should I choose with a master's in architecture?

I plan to major in architecture and was wondering what minors would go along with architecture. I plan to become a certified architect and have my own firm. I know business would be a good minor, but are there any others? #architect #architecture #architecture-and-planning #college-minor #majors-and-minors #double-minor

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Keira5900 views

What qualifications it takes to become an architect?

To influence my decision into going in a career in architecture by providing me more knowledge of what an architect do. Thanks for reading my question. #architecture #architecture-and-planning #information-architecture #interior-architecture #server-architecture #architect

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James899 views

I’m interested in architecture. What courses should I take that will help me. ##highschool

I want the extra help from these classed #highschool #academic-advising #architecture #architecture-and-planning

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Marvin1083 views

What is it like to be an Architect

#architecture #architecture-and-planning #building #art #design

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Lilli1034 views

After a 5 year architecture undergrad program should I go to graduate school?

I like the idea of going to a B.Arch program but I also would like to go to grad school. Would you recommend continuing to get a architecture masters after a B.Arch or is that a waste of money and time. And if it is advisable to get a masters in architecture after a B.Arch then should I work in the architecture field first before I pursue a masters or should I go straight from B.Arch to a masters program. #architecture #information-architecture #solution-architecture #architecture-and-planning #graduate-school #graduate #graduate-school-

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Alysia892 views

What level of education do you need to become an architect?

#architecture #architect #higher-education #architecture-and-planning

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Joseph1250 views

How much salary does a typical Architect make?

I'm talking about a degreed, certified Architect. I'm getting some indication that they don't make as much as college professors. Is this true? Anyone have real life information? #architecture #architect #architecture-and-planning

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Bernardo1019 views

What is the percentage of Architecture majors getting job right after graduation?

I'm asking because, I'm ready to invest all my effort and time into this major and I want know that my investment isn't going to waste. #UTA #architecture #architecture-and-planning

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Issa889 views

Is it true that architects get bored with the pressure of the work ?

So couple months ago, I had an internship in a big company , as I was going around talking workers, architects. One guy came to me and told me you wanna be an architects , I said yes, maybe I will come back here and work with you. he said you gonna come with a lot of energy at the beginning but you will get bored with time and pressure. Since then, I'm thinking about his words. #architects #architecture #architecture-and-planning

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Madalyn825 views

What GPA is required for most Architectural Majors

Im sitting at about a 3.2 GPA and not to sure how much higher i need to try and get my GPA for my Major #architecture #college-major #architecture-and-planning

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James1018 views

I like computer drafting and architecture. I would like a 2 year degree. Would I have a disadvantage over someone with a four or five year degree?

People are telling me a master's degree is better than an associate's. #or #someone #with #year #either #five #two #architecture #computer-aided-drafting #drafting #architecture-and-planning #architect #career

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