Career questions tagged computer-aided-drafting

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Danni1177 views

Is "drafter" a still-used position at engineering firms? What skills does a drafter need?

For example, if you were going to a college with vocational courses, would it make sense to try to pursue something that prepares you to become a drafter? Are engineering firms still looking for people to handle just drafting, or do they only want engineers? If they are, what are the necessary drafting programs to learn that make you more employable? #engineering #civil-engineering #drafting #computer-aided-drafting #architectural-drafting #structural-drafting #vocational-school #vocational-planning #vocationalprograms

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John720 views

Are the jobs for CADD Drafters common or in high demand?

I am planning on getting a 2 year degree in CADD Drafting, because it's something I am very interested in, and I would like to know if I would be able to get a job after I get my degree. #design #computer-aided-drafting #drafting

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James1018 views

I like computer drafting and architecture. I would like a 2 year degree. Would I have a disadvantage over someone with a four or five year degree?

People are telling me a master's degree is better than an associate's. #or #someone #with #year #either #five #two #architecture #computer-aided-drafting #drafting #architecture-and-planning #architect #career

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Brandon1104 views

Where in the U.S. are drafting jobs needed?

Drafting has a -3 percent outlook within the next 5 years. Job numbers are declining. #cad #drafting #computer-aided-drafting

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