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What is your biggest success story in welding How long did it take to get where you are now? What is your biggest failure and how did you learn from it? ?

I am a student and I need to complete an assignment for my selected trade

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3 answers

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Anthony’s Answer

Honestly every student that I train, certify, and watch them move into the industry is my biggest success story. I have been welding for 15 years and teaching high school and college level for 10 of those years. The young men and women that I have been lucky enough to help and train will forever know where they got their start, that legacy will carry on forever. If that's not success I don't know what is. Now it took me every bit of the 15 years to get where I'm at, but I worked like crazy the first 2 years to become north texas welder of the year. This industry is one where you can never learn it all. The industry is ever evolving and I have to keep up with that. As for failing, I have had set backs and downfalls but I will never fail outright. It's just not in my DNA to fail. If you set your mind to this trade you can make an amazing life for yourself and eventually some day your own family.

Anthony recommends the following next steps:

Inquire about trade schools in your area.
Or find a place that offers on the job training.
Start out as a hand or helper and learn the trade
Then either get a promotion or start your own gig if youd like
Above all, never stop bettering yourself.
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Daniel’s Answer

Hey Isaiah,

If I had to pick out a highlight from my life, it would be the remarkable turnaround I managed from a directionless youth. Back in the day, I was hanging out with the wrong crowd, finding myself in trouble more often than not. Then, I decided to shift gears.

I enrolled in a welding school, even though I didn't know the first thing about welding. I'd heard it could be a lucrative career, so I decided to give it a shot. To my surprise, I discovered I had a knack for it. Fast forward through nearly two decades, a handful of welding jobs, and a wealth of experience, I find myself heading back to school. This time, though, it's to become a welding teacher. I'm hoping to guide and inspire those who might be walking the same path I once did.

Welding has been a tremendous blessing in my life. It's a skill that's allowed me to find work wherever I go. There's nothing quite like the joy of seeing someone's eyes light up when they master a new technique or perfect a challenging weld. Any setbacks I've faced pale in comparison to these moments.

As for my biggest failure, it's tough to pinpoint. Sure, there are times when I mess up a piece I'm working on and it feels like a failure. But I've learned that these moments are just opportunities to learn and grow. So, I dust myself off and keep moving forward.
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Violaine’s Answer

Hello Isaiah, I'm sharing some insights from a friend of a friend who has experience in this field, hoping it might be beneficial for you. He began his journey as a novice welder, gaining knowledge from a seasoned expert. With years of dedication and hard work, he achieved a certified welder status, securing high-profile contracts and gaining accolades for his exceptional skills. He admits to a significant setback early in his career when he underestimated a project, but he took it as a learning opportunity. He used this experience to enhance safety measures and improve project planning.