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How to finding good career?

I'm not sure what job I want to do after college

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12 answers

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Anzal’s Answer

Hi Alisha!

I know picking a career can be really daunting at first, I've been in your shoes. However, while it's scary, it can also be an exciting experience as you have the option to explore a bunch of career paths you may be interested in and then turn it into something professional!

I would suggest sitting down and just brainstorming any passions or interests you have. Look through your favorite TV shows and try to imagine yourself doing what they are. Talk to a bunch of people, parents, friends, family members. Go shadow at some jobs you think you may be interested in going into. I have experience in the dental industry and I can tell you many offices would be willing to take in some student shadowers!

Best of luck!
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Lalia’s Answer

Hi Alisha,
That is a great question! How do you know if you're making the right choice for something that you're committing to for a loooong time. The short answer is - you don't! There are no guarantees. But starting with a good feeling in your gut is key. Finding what makes you tick can be so hard for many people, so you're not alone. Think about things you enjoy doing - could you make money doing that? Inversely, think about things you don't like to do - would you pay someone to do it for you? Is there a particular topic that you like to read about? That can start to spark ideas of general fields that you could look into further. And talk to EVERYONE. If you have it in you, spark up conversations with people you run into, your friends' parents, even teachers who may have started their careers in a totally different place. Everyone has a story, and you never know what story is going to spark something in you that could take you down a path of learning.
Good luck!
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Joanna Rose’s Answer

Hi Alisha

Finding a good career involves self-reflection to understand your interests, strengths, and values, as these will guide your career decisions and increase job satisfaction. Thorough research is necessary to explore different industries, job roles, growth prospects, and work environments. Networking with professionals and seeking guidance from mentors or career counselors can provide valuable insights into potential careers. Lastly, gaining relevant skills and experiences through education, internships, or part-time jobs can increase your employability and help you secure a good career.
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Justin’s Answer

Hi Alisha!

First and foremost, it's important to know that your career opportunities are not always dictated by the degree you graduate with. I know many professionals that went to school for one field and end up working in a field that they did not think was possible, so always keep your options open!

Second, it's just as important to understand what you don't like/don't want to do as it is to find your passion. This will help guide you as you start your career.

Lastly, the beginning of your career is the opportunity to try anything and everything, even it is outside the scope of your first role. There are many platforms to learn and build new skills that can lead to further opportunities down the road.

Best of luck!
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Jim’s Answer

Pick the subject you like most in high school, and study or major that in college. You can visit the Career Center in college to explore the opportunities within your major. You can discuss with your counselor. Internship is another way to explore your future career. You can also start working in the industry which you are interested in.
Good luck!
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. I think you may need to find out what career you have interest before entering the college so that you can take the relevant subjects in the college to prepare for the career.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what you have interest, e.g. your hobbies, favorite subjects, etc. and identify related careers
E.g. if you like music, would you like to be a musician, musical artist, singer, music producer, music composer, etc.
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc.
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counsellor, your parents, etc.
4. Shortlist 1-2 careers you would like to pursue
5. Explore the entry criteria of relevant subjects in colleges
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
May Almighty God bless you!
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Anna’s Answer

Hi Alisha,
I hope you are well and are enjoying your studies as you continue working hard until graduation :)
Some tips that have been helpful for me:
1) Find a job that is related to your major, even if your first job is not the ideal job for you, definitely give it a try and work because experience is the best for job hunting.
2) Find a job that matches your interests and find a job where you think your talents and interests will shine in order for you to be a great employee.
I hope job hunting is going well and remember you can apply to a ton of different jobs at once and practice interviewing is very important because everything you will do requires some form of interview
Best of luck,
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M Octavian’s Answer

hello Alisha, here I want to help answer your question
First, determine the type of work related to your major.
Second, match your talents and interests to the type of job you want to apply for. Most people apply for jobs based on talents or interests that meet the criteria for a job. If you haven't found your talents or interests, you can train them while you are still at college or in your free time.
Third, never be afraid if you are not accepted by the company, maybe your resume does not meet the requirements, but don't be discouraged, who knows if you will be accepted by another company.
That's all my advice for looking for a career after or after college so you don't get confused about which job to take. That is all and thank you
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Dino’s Answer

Hello Alisha! We appreciate you reaching out to us and we're excited to assist you in shaping your future career path. Your question is indeed a valuable one! Rest assured, you're not alone in this journey. Many adults also share concerns about their future careers. That's precisely why this platform exists - to guide students like you towards making informed career decisions.

Successful individuals often emphasize the importance of discovering your passion and interests. These are the things that bring joy to your life, fuel your motivation, and inspire you. This implies that you need to engage in some self-reflection to determine what you want your future to look like. Picture yourself 5-10 years from now. What are you doing after finishing college? Have you identified your passion? What are your strengths? What brings you happiness? What job can you envision yourself doing?

Remember, choosing a career is a journey, not a one-time decision. To aid you in this journey, consider seeking guidance from your school counselor. They can provide valuable insights into your career exploration. Try to identify at least three careers that pique your interest. Reach out to professionals who are already working in those fields and conduct informational interviews.

Best of luck, Alisha! Pursue your dreams with determination!
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Elizabeth’s Answer

Hello! I appreciate your initiative in seeking guidance. Remember, there are countless individuals, just like you, who are eager to align their passions with their educational journey and future professions. Here's a little tip that might prove beneficial: try jotting down your interests. A simple online search can assist you in discovering professions that align with your interests, and it can also steer you towards choosing a suitable college major.

At this juncture in your life, you have the unique opportunity to carve out your professional path by acquiring hands-on experience through volunteering in your chosen field. You might be wondering, "What steps should I take to pursue my passion and land my dream job?" It could be incredibly beneficial to seek advice from a mentor, counselor, advisor, or someone who's already established in the career you aspire to have.

Remember, once you've chosen a career, it's not set in stone. Your chosen profession will equip you with invaluable experience and skills that can be applied to an entirely different career path. For example, I'm currently in the teaching profession, but I can easily transition my teaching skills into corporate training, editing, or even scriptwriting for a TV show.

I'm confident that you're putting in your best efforts at this time. Continue to persevere and strive for your goals. Wishing you all the success in the world!
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Noah’s Answer

Hi Alisha!

I think throughout college you will find out what subjects and career paths excite you. I recommend focusing on those career paths as it is important to be passionate about your career! If you change your mind along the way and decide you want to change majors or careers, that is okay it happens all the time.
I chose accounting as my career path because I liked the subject in college, it is a flexible career, and it is a good one for a young professional.

I hope this helps!
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Ricardo’s Answer

Hello Alisha! 😊

Let's start by focusing on what brings you joy every day. Your professional life becomes a breeze when you truly love what you do. After that, begin exploring fields that are connected to your passion.

Wishing you all the best! 🍀