Career questions tagged struggling

Types of Goals?
How can you find your goals in life if you're struggling with what career path you wanna go down?

How can I find my purpose?
I am a 1st college, I enter this course that I really don't know, because in my life I'm very confuse on what things I'm good at, what I like to do stuffs like that. And now I'm struggling because I don't know what to do in my life, like I even don't know what's my dream. It's just that my goal is to be successful but in order to fulfill that I don't know, though I'm okay with my life but I'm just confuse and I don't know what to do. Can you give me some advice.... Thank you! #struggling

How competitive is the business field?
Currently processing whether to become a government contractor. #thriving #struggling #business

I am in need to find loans or scholarships fast. Any suggestions?
Mt parents have poor credit and we always get denied when they co-sign. I either don't have a credit score or don't make enough. Please help! #helpme #struggling #college #collegeproblems