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Andrew Prihoda’s Avatar

Andrew Prihoda

Assistant Attorney General, Public Finance Division of the Office of the Texas Attorney General
Legal Occupations
Austin, Texas
2 Answers
3968 Reads
1 Karma

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lindsay’s Avatar
lindsay Mar 02, 2016 1511 views

Does taking the multi state bar exam give you more options?

When I was looking up bar exams I found that they had multi state exam and from what I know is that when you take the test is that you are not pressured to work in a specific state. And I was just wondering if it is better to take a bar exam for a specific state or is it better to take the...

Aerionna’s Avatar
Aerionna Feb 09, 2015 2444 views

What information is necessary to know if I want to start my own law practice?

I am a sophomore in high school. I someday want to become a lawyer. I just want to know if there is anything I can be doing now in preparation. #law #lawyer