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Vikas Tirukonda’s Avatar

Vikas Tirukonda

Electrical Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Atlanta, Georgia
5 Answers
2238 Reads
1 Karma

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gavin’s Avatar
gavin Feb 21, 2017 1379 views

What college should i go to for a mechanical engineer?

I am in 6th grade and i enjoy building and designing #college #mechanical-engineering

Tre'Beon’s Avatar
Tre'Beon Feb 10, 2017 968 views

Where Is The Best Place To Work For A Mechanical Engineer

To Find The Best Place To Work #engineering

Ignacio’s Avatar
Ignacio Oct 31, 2016 813 views

What are things an electrical engineer does on a day to day basis?

I'm planning in majoring in electrical engineering at the University of Arizona. #electrical-engineering

Ria’s Avatar
Ria Oct 26, 2016 693 views

Does mechanical engineering have more than one concentration?

I was just curious about different kinds of engineering. #engineering #mechanical-engineering

dakota’s Avatar
dakota Nov 15, 2018 594 views

How long have you been working in the mechanical engineering field?

I'm enrolled at job corps and I am going into a similar work site what would expect down the road in #mechanical-engineering