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Locust Grove, Georgia
3 Questions
152 Karma

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Dalton’s Avatar
Dalton Feb 11, 2021 931 views

What are good career choices for my interests?

I'm in the 10th grade and am interested in film making and editing and am wondering what good careers there are for these interests. #film #career #career-options

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Dalton Feb 11, 2021 583 views

How would I go about starting up a buisness in the future

I'm a sophomore in high school and I want to have my own company I really enjoy film making or editing and want to know how I could start up a business in the future for these topics I'm interested in #business #high-school

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Dalton Feb 11, 2021 754 views

How do I pick a major for my future carrer

I'm a sophomore in high school and I enjoy editing and film making I'm not sure what to major in though #college-major #high-school #carrer #film #editing