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Natchitoches, Louisiana
2 Questions
31 Karma

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Gabrielle ’s Avatar
Gabrielle May 09, 2016 996 views

How does a division III soccer program differ from a division I program?

I am a senior in high school and have been playing soccer since sixth grade. My college choice has a Division III, but I have always wanted to play highest level. I want to know if I made a good decision. #college #soccer #college-counseling

Gabrielle ’s Avatar
Gabrielle May 09, 2016 883 views

I want to major in neuroscience and biology, but the work may be strenuous. Will I be able to take on the taxing work while playing soccer, too?

My name is Gabby and I am a senior in high school. I will be attending a liberal arts school with an amazing medical program. I want to become a neurosurgeon, but I also want to play soccer. I am asking this question to know if I am being too ambitious by taking on too much. #school #soccer...