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Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
2 Questions
51 Karma

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Noah’s Avatar
Noah Nov 23, 2024 516 views

What is the best time to take the SAT?

Is it easier to get a higher score during certain months? For example, I imagine many people taking the test in August will have just completed some sort of summer bootcamp, which would make it more difficult to do well for those who didn’t (assuming more people who take it are more prepared...

Noah’s Avatar
Noah Aug 09, 2023 612 views

What career opportunities exist after obtaining a degree in classical languages (Latin/Greek)?

I am currently a rising sophomore in high school going into my 4th year of studying Latin. I am on an advanced track to finish the usual sequence at my school by the end of 11th grade, after which I might consider taking college courses on the matter, and potentially major in Classics in...