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St. Louis, MO
2 Questions
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Makaiya’s Avatar
Makaiya Aug 21, 2016 869 views

In Sports Medicine, when you are taking care of the athletes, do they act like jerks and are stuck up, and how do you deal with it??

I'm an 11th grader from St. Louis, MO and really want to pursue to be an athletic trainer, and I wanted to know, if the athletes act like jerks most of the time, and how to deal with it if they do. #sports-medicine

Makaiya’s Avatar
Makaiya Aug 21, 2016 1567 views

In sports media, how long do you usually work in a day or week, and is there a lot of outside work that you have to do?

I am an 11th grader, from St. Louis, MO and I play RBI Softball. When I was traveling with the team we had the chance to talk to some of the head of some of the baseball stadium's departments. I talked to one of them afterwards and I was blessed with the opportunity to get a tour of the...