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Dawn Galloway’s Avatar

Dawn Galloway

Pricipal Engineer - Program Manager of Implementation
Management Occupations - Architecture and Engineering Occupations
1 Answers
3147 Reads
1 Karma


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Dawn’s Career Stories

Did anyone ever oppose your career plans when you were young or push you in a direction you did not want to go?

Yes. Surprisingly my Mom was against the career I chose. I was a young Mother and the stress that came along with being in a Engineering field was high. She felt that I should choose an easier route but in the end she saw that the stress was worth it. My junior college counselor also opposed my career choice. I was told many times that Engineering wasn't the right track for me since I was a young Mother. Both of these oppositions only fueled my fire. Even thought it was upsetting to not have the support, it made me dig my heels in and show them that they were wrong.