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4 Questions
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Adriano’s Career Goals

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Adriano Oct 31, 2024 645 views

How difficult is it to become a nurse?

What are the many qualification of becoming a nurse?
Was It worth it, time or money wise?

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Adriano Oct 31, 2024 871 views

what are the steps to becoming a medical assistant and medical admin ?

What are the steps that you took to becoming a medical assistant and medical admin
Was it worth the money and your time.

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Adriano Oct 31, 2024 263 views

what are the pro's and con's?

what are some pro's and con's of becoming a medical assistant is it worth the pay.
What are some pro's and con's on becoming a Medical administrative assistant.

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Adriano Oct 31, 2024 201 views

Is it worth it to become Medical Assistant ?

is it worth it to become a medical assistant.
what are diffuclty on becoming a medical assistant?